
hello. these types of videos will have no problem living on youtube. we request that all chem trail videos be zoom in or very unique. We all gave chem trails so we want to document the planes logos as they spray

Why does it say in prophecy that Israel must become a state.GOD Says the jews are his chosen people.

LYin Jew! I doubt this guy did what he claimed! I’m sure he got there with connections and other people’s money!

Actually, there is NOTHING wrong with Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate. Birthers are just lying about it, for the same motive that they posted their own FORGED "documents" and a forged video---Now, what do you suppose that MOTIVE could be? (I wonder.)rnrnBirthers actually forged THREE "Kenyan birth certificates"---all for the same MOTIVE as behind the LIE that Obama’s birth certificate is forged (Now, I wonder what that motive could be?).rnrnAnd, birthers actually forged a video in which Obama SEEMS to say that he was born in Kenya----but you cannot see his mouth move when he SEEMS to say it (Now, I wonder why not----and I wonder what the motive for forging that video could be? Any RATIONAL person would see immediately that it is the same motive that is behind the LIE that Obama’s birth certificate is forged. The same motive.)rnrnAnd, birthers lied and said that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya-----but in fact she said that he was BORN IN HAWAII. In fact, she said that in three interviews, of which birthers sites showed their readers only part of one of them, only PART of one of them. And in that part they carefully cut off the tape recordings on their sites just before she was asked where he was born and replied that it was in HAWAII where his father was studying at the time (Now, I wonder why they cut the tape just before she said THAT?). And they did not show the other two interviews at all, and in one of them the Kenyan grandmother said that the first that her family had heard of Obama’s birth was IN A LETTER FROM HAWAII (Now, I wonder why birther sites did not show that?) And in the other she simply said that Obama was NOT born in Kenya--------which, BTW, the Kenyan government said too---but birther sites did not show those facts EITHER.rn

Are you A Skin head or Nazi.

Convenient to use an island as staging area. Triage was not on the island, it was on the mainland, and the doctors there didn’t receive any seriously injured. In fact, the doctors were not even allowed to go to the island that day. They were kept away for "safety" reasons. Bodies were left on the island over night. Later on, the coroner reported that autopsies were done in an MR scanner. And the workers in the government building, why were they asked to stay at home that day? Why did the fire trucks stay parked in the fire station a few yards away from the government building? Why did the fire fighters lie about the fire station garage doors being jammed? Why did a "random bystander" decide to run into the bombed out government building, climb all the stairs and run through the corridors shooting video with his mobile phone? What are the odds that the very same guy was a witness to the Brussels Airport bombing? What are the odds that Anders Behring Breivik just by coincidence rented a farm from a guy who was serving jail time for setting up a huge marijuana plantation in the very same barn that he made the car bomb? What are the odds that Anders Behring Breivik found a farm used by known criminals through an add in a newspaper, and never did a background check to find out that the owner was a convicted criminal? Was that the best place he could find to stay below the radar while making a car bomb? And what are the odds that two people live in the same farmhouse, one after the other, and both of them write and publish a 500+ page manifesto, without any of them knowing about the other? But he was a lone wolf, wasn’t he? An unemployed guy who all of a sudden received 25000 dollars into his bank account from the Cayman Islands. Move along, nothing to see here...

Unbelievable! It’s obvious nobody died!

Amputees are quite valuable to the Crisis Crowd Community.

Thank you!

Yeah that would have been amazing

@ Z I...where did you get the information that emma an david might be cousins an she might of gone to nyu??

I always found it odd that RFB gets to keep his channel. All of these other channels with barely any subscribers lose their channel but RFB post better more detailed videos and he keeps getting subscribers and not taken down. That always stood out to does RFB get to keep his channel but hundreds of others are taken down.

RFB show his colours when he said that people who put their video on private blaming YT for closing their channels. But people done that because they try to save their channels. (This was maybe 6 months ago).

Yeah, that clip was the cherry on top in getting the point over. lol

Good video . That " Airplane " clip fits perfect . Lol

Yeah someone else pointed me to that vid of his. He is so obvious it’s laughable, put a little bit of truth here and there and many think he’s one of the good guys. Quite clever really.

Instead of asking who, what, when and why, the journalists today start crying to give their stories credibility.

Sane Progressive i the best female voice on Internet. I guess she don’t know about RFB, she has full time with her excellent live stream.

Norman sure has a nasty zit! - unbelievable - 550 Patreons. Seems as if the sheep will fund anything :(