
This is STILL on ScrewTube .

Amber is yellow/grey, orange-ish color and we know orange is 33. Nun’s name (W)hole(s)man. A man hole, the O, man hoe, bet she has a ppAccording to Junglesurfer, there were (9) creatures portraying Stephen Hawking.

" SEEMS " like evidence .

By the way, I agree with you a thousand percent about the Richie channel. In fact, I tweeted this to someone with a large following on YT and Twitter last week (Sane Progressive is her name) when she was saying how great it was that he’d pushed back against the giant Google. We all know damn well that this is a farcical fabrication on Richie’s part. It’s a ridiculous story!! Thanks for the video!!

I know this is off thread. Please excuse me. I’m VERY naïve abt how some things work on the internet. Can anyone tell me how, when I was tweeting a FRIEND last night and mentioned the class action against HONR (thank everyone who is participating!!) how it is that within 15/20 minutes my tweet got a "like" from HONR?? I didn’t do anything other than MENTION their name. No "@" or hashtag or anything other than writing the name. Do they have some special arrangement with Twitter in which every time someone mentions them, they are automatically notified? Again, sorry for the off thread!!! If someone could give me an idea as to what happened to me I’d really appreciate it!! Thanks again!!

He’s a click baiter. rnFlat Earth, numbers BS theory, aliens, chemtrailing and of course he monetizes. OBVIOUSLY he doesn’t want his content here, he’s not a truth warrior, just another half-truther/half-sellout. Shady but not necessarily playing in the other team.

Real red-pilled of our group have always regarded RFB as a hack.

I’m with you on Hawking. Why is he floating and the other people arent @ 4:30ish.

I, too, questioned how he got his channel back so fast when he said: lawyer. If its as simple as getting a lawyer, why doesnt everyone??? Why didnt he do a video telling people HOW to get their channels back? What are the magic lawyer words that put fear into Google/YT that they give back a channel ASAP? Or could it be: he wants people to leave as it will make his channel more valid? For me: Ive always felt RFB was playing a character. idk

The Big Bad Truthing Daddy . Lol . Scott Steiner really IS one of my favorite wrestlers ever .

Gwo: how about he was told he can’t post anywhere other than Google affiliated sites 😀

Well he can make his money on youtube and also post his stuff on here to.So the question is why won’t he personally post on here if he don’t want it mirrored.

I subscribe to RFB only to monitor his topics presented. He is aware of me. I challenge his content sometimes, in a respectful manner. He has a PayPal account. In his description box, he asks for help upgrading his equipment and channel. The man has to make a living 😥 One thing I notice is I will make a comment with link or two on the topic. I might get a like or two. I see commenters post, "way to go RFB" or "Always right on RFB". Stuff like that gets 50, 60 or however many likes. I just sit there asking, does he buy bots to do this. You can buy bots to pad your channel.

A long time ago I saw he had some very expensive equipment and noticed he had some training so I knew right away. Just like Jason Goodman they are frauds.

Nice song!

Thanks for YT link. Left a truth bomb.

When I first researched if the two were the same a couple years back there were a lot more videos but YouTube has terminated nearly everyone I could find. There is only still a mug shot I’d Greenburg left. The ties start with the mother Vickie strong, Greenburg. Of coarse any last name with Burg is a huge sign of the Jewish roots but I had seen his other grandfather Greenberg is The CEO of AIG. The faces in the mug shot of Jacob Greenberg are very similar to that of Zuckerburg. There was a face recognition expert video on it but YouTube deleted that account too! I wish I had better proof for you but I will keep digging. We know they keep the $$$ in the family and the Burgs are almost always news:)


My question as well.

Parkland Spelling Bee. "..Kyle, spell drudgingly..." "Ah, d-r-u-d-g, ah, Drudge Report, ah, i-n-g-l-y....." "Very good. For the first place award, spell bi-partisan.." "...ah, b-i, ah, David Hogg is bi. I can’t take it anymore! Hogg isn’t a student, it was all staged...I was paid to be on FOX...ah,.." (Kyle taken off stage by men in sunglasses) ".. students, please return to your classrooms. Kyle had too much sugar on his cereal this morning..." If only.......