
The transfer agreement does confuse some. But it was merely mutually beneficial - Hitler wanted jews out of the country and Zioinsts wanted some to go to Israel. That doesn’t mean he was controlled. Hitler had a duty to the german people, that was his priority. From what I have read it was the zionists group in germany who went to Hitler and proposed moving some jews out to palestine.

You do need a lol after seeing some of the insane crap of the day dont you. I always have a good giggle when make-encoding BS. Thanks for comments.

And National Socialists never called themselves ’Nazis’ - it is, of course, actually the The National Socialist German Workers Party. ’Nazi’ is an insult made up by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden.

Aaaannnnnd one more on this "stuff" Enjoy. :)

JG, you said "I should have copied my links" -- I meant to ask you for a TRUE url for the site you mentioned in the description. So many fake imposter links today. Not anything else hon :) sure hope you are female since called you hon. hehe

Hitler was not a controlled agent. You don’t seem to know about Hitler’s economic transformation of Germany... and well there are great many points I could go into - but here is a link to an article explaining how he was not an agent:

Thank you Hoaxgrabber. :)

Well for one thing, he wont go out in public alone. He knows what he has done. So theres a bit of recompense for you. the little sht! :)

LMAO!!!! You should write for SPark :)

Thank you Ole!

I just subbed to you :) Grest Channel Bro

No Brother lol, I have never heard of him.?? Do I sound like him or something lol?

My son cane home from school yesterday and said they held a walk out here too. He is only 12 but is awake and knows they are hoaxes so he wouldn’t go outside with the class. A lot of kids yesterday and today said mean things to him and he just told them if they haven’t researched it then I’m not talking to you. I was a Proud Papa! :)

I will say it again if one part of these events are faked the whole thing is faked, including 911, most if not all the dead on 911 are sims , faked victims. Same thing with Brevik in Utoya. Simulated person.

Thanks to Hitler, 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Israel between 1933 and 1941. Thanks to a "Transfer Agreement" between Nazis and Zionists

I always found him a little off. I got nothing against religion but, it’s always a red flag to me when youtubers throw out the God card in almost every video. When he got his channels back it was proof enough to me he was getting paid big time.

Thank you both. This was needed. Now for Nd tyson and bill nye, and macocockoko to join him.


Appreciate it. Share it if can get away with it :)

Thanx brother man. Love new style. So far so good :)