
well done!!

He’s a paid shill -

No Moon Landing? Well what are these talking about? rn

i have knowen about him for a long time now i have a list of all the ones on youtube is has slod out like him to evil and theres alot more thin most know on youtube who are just that sold out traders to all of us they are not in the fight to stop evil they want evil to go on so they can keep getting there big fat pay days sick how many have sold out on us all

Regarding SHOES:


I am SO glad Ole mentioned the California fires along with all the other events!

Glitch in the AI?

Correct! There was a time when SideThorn was talking to him, and I told him at the time to watch himself cause RB is a major shill. He might be less obvious than Alex Jones, but he’s definitely a shill.

The following comments are not duplicates. Only the intro to each comment is the same. The following comments expose four entirely (4) different hoaxes of Deborah Tavares. Snoop4truth did not expose these hoaxes to harm Deborah Tavares. instead, Snoop4truth exposed these hoaxes solely to reduce the catastrophic harm that such intentional fraud inflicts on the American people every single day.

The claims of Deborah Tavares are posted on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. rnrnTHE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARESrnrnThe most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary. rnrn4. THE JUDGE "DALE" HOAX: In the Judge "DALE" Hoax, Tavares, her partner and amateur legal theorist, Rodney "DALE" Class published (online) a series of FAKE "legal" books which revealed FAKE "legal" information WHICH THEY, THEMSELVES ACTUALLY CREATED, but which they fraudulently told the American people were written by a "retired federal judge" named, Judge "DALE" (which used Rodney "DALE" Class’ middle name, "DALE", as an inside joke on the American people). In the Judge "DALE" forgeries, Tavares, her partner and Rodney "DALE" Class (while pretending to be Judge "DALE") made intentionally false and fraudulent claims about the law, the courts, judges and lawyers in an effort to fraudulently incite hatred and violence against INNOCENT Americans. Specifically, in the Judge "DALE" forgeries, Tavares and her partners claim, among other things, that all governments and all governmental agencies (including the courts) are "PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS" and that all American lawyers are TRAITORS and IMPOSTERS with NO AUTHORITY and NO LICENSE to practice law. This hoax is explained in the 3rd comment here. But, to fully understand the scope of Tavares’ fraud in legal matters with her partner and Rodney DALE Class, you must also read the 5th and 6th comments here. rnrnOf all of Tavares’ hoaxes, the "Judge DALE" Hoax is perhaps her most despicable. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans WERE INCITED TO THE POINT OF HATRED AND VIOLENCE against INNOCENT Americans. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans have WASTED years of their lives, thousands of dollars of their own money, all of their resources and all of their energy FIGHTING AN IMAGINARY ENEMY (an imaginary "evil" justice system described in her forgeries) that is NOT REAL, using IMAGINARY LAWS (described in her forgeries) that are NOT REAL, by employing the legal teachings of an IMAGINARY "RETIRED FEDERAL JUDGE DALE" (described in her forgeries) who is NOT REAL. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans HAVE LOST THEIR OWN COURT CASES and as a result, actually LOST their own time, LOST their own homes, LOST their own property, LOST their own money, LOST their own liberty AND PERHAPS EVEN LOST THEIR OWN LIVES IN RELIANCE UPON THE FALSE LEGAL CLAIMS MADE IN THE "JUDGE DALE" FORGERIES. rnrn

As if he couldn’t be more staged its been uncovered that David and Emma are cousins. Emma appears to have not only graduate of high school but college at NYU as well.

The claims of Deborah Tavares are posted on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. rnrnTHE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARESrnrnThe most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary. rnrnrn3. THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently also claims that "The Report Form Iron Mountain ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE" ("TRFIM") is another "secret" and/or "leaked" and/or "suppressed" government document which she claims "PROVES" that the U.S. government is currently using FAKE WARS AGAINST FAKE ENEMIES to kill us all in furtherance of the "PLANNED" "extinction of mankind". But, none of this is so. TRFIM was a 1968 book of POLITICAL FICTION written by Leonard C. Lewin which was SO POPULAR and SO WIDELY READ that it actually made the New York Times Best Seller List. (So much for Tavares’ "secret", "leaked" or "suppressed" document story.). It is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Lewin was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator. rnrnIt was 1968. It was the middle of the Vietnam War. Lewin was critical of U.S. policy because the U.S. had been in an almost perpetual state of war for decades and he believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. economy was far too dependent upon military spending. In criticizing this U.S policy, Lewin SARCASTICALLY observed that U.S. policy makers "MUST HAVE BELIEVED THAT THE U.S. COULD NOT AFFORD PEACE" (meaning that if the U.S. was not actually engaged in perpetual wars, the U.S. government and the U.S. economy might actually collapse). Lewin sought to make a MOCKERY of this U.S. war policy and the ABSURDITY of the beliefs that apparently underlie it. Lewin wanted to publically EMBARRASS and HUMILIATE U.S. policy makers who supported a policy of perpetual war and he wanted them to change U.S. policy. So, he wrote "The Report From Iron Mountain ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE" (the book’s FULL title). (Note that the final seven words to this title reveal Lewin’s true thesis statement.). So, in writing TRFIM, Lewin pretended to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government which pretended to "report" to these very same U.S. policy makers that "PEACE WAS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT DESIRABLE" (hence, the FULL title to Lewin’s book). In writing TRFIM (and in pretending to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government), Lewin pretended to "report" to U.S. policy makers that the U.S. economy was so dependent on perpetual war that if the U.S. ever found itself at peace, IT WOULD ACTUALLY BE FORCED TO CREATE FAKE WARS (called ""credible substitutes"") against FAKE ENEMIES (called "alternative enemies") to prop up the U.S. government and the U.S. economy. (Note how Lewin MOCKS U.S. policy of perpetual war). Specifically, in writing TRFIM (and in pretending to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government), Lewin pretended to "report" to U.S. policy makers that if the U.S. ever found itself with the "misfortune of being at peace", it would be forced, for economic reasons, to create FAKE WARS against FAKE ENEMIES, including FAKE "ALIEN LIFE FORMS" (something that Tavares omits about this book in her hoax) and against FAKE "ENVIRONMENTAL CALAMITIES" (which Tavares has recently embellished to mean "global warming", "climate change", "engineered drought", fires, etc.). (Note how Lewin MOCKS U.S. policy of perpetual war). It was absolutely brilliant. Lewin created TRFIM to read like an official U.S. government committee "REPORT" to U.S. policy makers IN ORDER TO PUBLICALLY EMBARRASS AND HUMILIATE U.S. POLICY MAKERS WHO SUPPORTED PERPETUAL WAR (by making their perpetual war policy appear even MORE ABSURD than it actually was). It worked. As if to prove that Lewin was the real author of TRFIM, when an unauthorized publisher re-published his book without his permission (and without paying him royalties), he actually sued the publisher and won a large settlement, something that would have been impossible if the book had actually been written by a REAL "committee of the U. S. government" as Tavares falsely claims. For proof of all of the foregoing, click on the links inside comment 22 here. rn

The claims of Deborah Tavares are posted on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. rnrnTHE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARESrnrnThe most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary. rnrn2. THE SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently claims that "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" is another "secret" or "leaked" government document which she claims "PROVES" that the government or the Bilderbergs are killing us all (or "PLAN" to kill us all) with "SILENT WEAPONS" in furtherance of the "PLANNED" "extinction of mankind". But, this is not so. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ("SWFQW") is actually a short booklet of political fiction written by Lyle Hartford Van Dyke in 1978-79. (Van Dyke is a convicted felon who spent a decade in federal prison for fraud and for effectively writing checks drawn on his imaginary "trust account at the U.S. Treasury".). SWFQW is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Van Dyke was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator. rnrnIn 1978-79, Van Dyke wrote and distributed his 44 page document of POLITICAL FICTION entitled, SWFQW. Van Dyke believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen (killing thousands of American soldiers) in order to draw the U.S. into World War II. Van Dyke was outraged by this perceived treasonous ACT OF WAR BY THE U.S. UPON ITS OWN SOLDIERS and wanted to make the HORRORS of this treasonous act of war PERSONAL to the American public. So, Van Dyke wrote SWFQW and suggested that instead of intentionally killing ITS OWN SOLDIERS in such a treasonous act of war, the U. S. government was intentionally killing ITS OWN CIVILIAN POPULATION in such a treasonous act of war (a clever twist of the perceived facts). (Note that this claim would indeed make the HORRORS of such a "Pearl Harbor-type" war on Americans PERSONAL to the reader.). But, Van Dyke realized that the public would not actually believe his premise (of a U.S. war against the American public) without the presence of the usual weapons of war, like those that were present at Pearl Harbor (armed soldiers, trucks, tanks, planes, ships, missiles, bombs, etc.). So, in writing SWFQW, Van Dyke claimed that the weapons that the U.S. was using in this FICTIONAL war against the American public were high tech weapons that COULD NOT BE SEEN OR HEARD (which TAVARES has recently embellished to mean cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, microwaves, "smart meters", geo-engineering and HAARP, etc.). Because the readers of SWFQW could not actually see or hear any weapons being used against them, Van Dyke’s claims appeared to be true. Indeed, because such weapons could not be seen or heard, there was no way to dispute Van Dyke’s claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons. All of this actually made Van Dyke’s claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons MORE (not less) BELIEVABLE to the reader. By using this ruse, VAN DYKE ACTUALLY MADE THE ABSENCE OF WEAPONS EVEN MORE HORRIFYING TO THE READER THAN THEIR PRESENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN. It was absolutely brilliant. Van Dyke openly admits that SWFQW was inspired by an earlier book of POLITICAL FICTION which he greatly admired entitled, "The Report From Iron Mountain" (see below). Van Dyke also openly admits to having incorporated sections of REAL scientific and economic TECHNICAL studies into his work (as did "The Report From Iron Mountain") to make his work appear more authoritative . Finally, Van Dyke openly admits that he created SWFQW to read like an official governmental document (as did "The Report From Iron Mountain") in order to make the HORRORS of the U.S. government waging a covert war against its own citizens APPEAR MORE REAL and therefore more terrifying to the reader. It worked. For proof of all the foregoing, click on the links inside comment 22 here. rn

How do you know Dave is " Enslaved by the Media " ? I didn’t know or think that was him .

The claims of Deborah Tavares are posted on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. rnrnTHE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARESrnrnThe most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary. rnrn1. THE NASA WAR DOCUMENT HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently claims that the "NASA War Document" is a "secret" or "leaked" government document which she claims "PROVES" that NASA is killing us all (or "PLANS" to kill us all) with horrific, futuristic high-tech weapons in furtherance of the "PLANNED" "extinction of mankind". But, this is not so. The original "NASA War Document" (before Tavares and her partner "MODIFIED" it to fit to the hoax) was a power point presentation which was used as a "visual aid" for an oral presentation that a NASA chief scientist gave at an August 13th-16th, 2001 CONVENTION in Orlando, Florida which was attended by THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS who develop COUNTERMEASURES (defenses) to potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop to use AGAINST the American people (as depicted in the original power point presentation). That means that the horrific, potential, FUTURE, high-tech weapons depicted in the original "NASA War document" WERE NOT weapons that NASA was using "AGAINST" the American people. Instead, they were horrific, potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that the NASA chief scientist WAS URGING AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS TO DEVELOP COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST. The original power point presentation WAS NEVER POSTED ON ANY NASA WEBSITE. (So, contrary to Tavares’ fraudulent claims, it was never "downloaded" or "leaked" from a NASA website). Instead, the original power point presentation was actually POSTED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (without security) on the "Department of DEFENSE Technical INFORMATION Center" website (A PUBLIC WEBSITE) a month BEFORE the 2001 convention at which the NASA chief scientist was scheduled to speak. IT WAS NEVER POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE WEB. Proof of all the foregoing is provided in the links inside the 19th comment here. rnrnTHE NASA WAR DOCUMENT "CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS" TEST: Do you think that, in principle, it is a good idea for a NASA chief scientist (who has detailed, technological knowledge of potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could potentially develop for use AGAINST the American people) TO INFORM American military contractors about such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them? In the year 2001, what would have been the best way for NASA’s chief scientist to reach thousands of American military contractors TO INFORM them of such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them (a national convention of American military contractors perhaps)? Assuming that a NASA chief Scientist was asked to speak at a national convention of such American military contractors and assuming that the whole focus (and theme) of the convention was potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop for use against the American people in the FUTURE, do you think that it would be a good idea, in principle, for that NASA chief scientist to prepare a VISUAL AID (like a power point presentation reflecting technical CONCEPTS and DRAWINGS) to use at the convention to VISUALLY ILLUSTRATE such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats to those in attendance (GIVEN THAT MOST SUCH POTENTIAL, THEORETICAL, FUTURE THREATS DID NOT EXIST IN 2001 TO BE VISUALLY DEPICTED BY PHOTOGRAPHS)? rnrn

Team " Yahow-a-shy " ? Lol . WTF is that ?

Gwo: I am just speculating.

The claims of Deborah Tavares are posted on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. Truth does not fear investigation. rnTHE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARESrnThe most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary. rnrn1. THE NASA WAR DOCUMENT HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently claims that the "NASA War Document" is a "secret" or "leaked" government document which she claims "PROVES" that NASA is killing us all (or "PLANS" to kill us all) with horrific, futuristic high-tech weapons in furtherance of the "PLANNED" "extinction of mankind". But, this is not so. The original "NASA War Document" (before Tavares and her partner "MODIFIED" it to fit to the hoax) was a power point presentation which was used as a "visual aid" for an oral presentation that a NASA chief scientist gave at an August 13th-16th, 2001 CONVENTION in Orlando, Florida which was attended by THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS who develop COUNTERMEASURES (defenses) to potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop to use AGAINST the American people (as depicted in the original power point presentation). That means that the horrific, potential, FUTURE, high-tech weapons depicted in the original "NASA War document" WERE NOT weapons that NASA was using "AGAINST" the American people. Instead, they were horrific, potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that the NASA chief scientist WAS URGING AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS TO DEVELOP COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST. The original power point presentation WAS NEVER POSTED ON ANY NASA WEBSITE. (So, contrary to Tavares’ fraudulent claims, it was never "downloaded" or "leaked" from a NASA website). Instead, the original power point presentation was actually POSTED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (without security) on the "Department of DEFENSE Technical INFORMATION Center" website (A PUBLIC WEBSITE) a month BEFORE the 2001 convention at which the NASA chief scientist was scheduled to speak. IT WAS NEVER POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE WEB. Proof of all the foregoing is provided in the links inside the 19th comment here. rnrnTHE NASA WAR DOCUMENT "CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS" TEST: Do you think that, in principle, it is a good idea for a NASA chief scientist (who has detailed, technological knowledge of potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could potentially develop for use AGAINST the American people) TO INFORM American military contractors about such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them? In the year 2001, what would have been the best way for NASA’s chief scientist to reach thousands of American military contractors TO INFORM them of such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them (a national convention of American military contractors perhaps)? Assuming that a NASA chief Scientist was asked to speak at a national convention of such American military contractors and assuming that the whole focus (and theme) of the convention was potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop for use against the American people in the FUTURE, do you think that it would be a good idea, in principle, for that NASA chief scientist to prepare a VISUAL AID (like a power point presentation reflecting technical CONCEPTS and DRAWINGS) to use at the convention to VISUALLY ILLUSTRATE such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats to those in attendance (GIVEN THAT MOST SUCH POTENTIAL, THEORETICAL, FUTURE THREATS DID NOT EXIST IN 2001 TO BE VISUALLY DEPICTED BY PHOTOGRAPHS)? rn

Oh okay i did not know that.