
Better than Alex JonesTown / DisInfoWars, but same shit – different channels.

Painful to watch

Yes, San Antonio is hosting the Final Four.

At this point the thing is so obvious and so PUBLIC (it’s even on wikipedia, not to mention Brennan’s speech at the CfFR) that deniers stand in 2 categories only: the imbeciles and the shills.

great vid. i never knew these things. crazy how people are so mournful of his death today. i work with the elderly and no way could he chew or swallow food with that extreme als...holy crap....

A great video! Why do the mASSes question nothing? sheesh!

i asked RFB in comments, "how come your channel never gets deleted?". no reply, of course.

you nailed it. the media mind control psyops has put them into a low frequency beta state.

little freemasons

Hey Side Thorn, how are they stopping you from travelling freely?

Nikolas Cruz was a 19 years old student, so... we’ve got to rid of the youth, they are dangerous!

Miss Piggy’s out and about again.. She’s full of shit.

What does that kid know? I’ve got socks older than that little jerk. lol And since when did a text book falling sound like "2 pops ..." ????? As RV would say - Give me a break!!

This is what you get with high youth unemployment. We were all too busy working part time jobs and trying to get laid when I was in High School. Everyone I knew had guns in their homes and reports of mass shootings were rare and most likely fake. Now it’s like non stop Fear Porn Bukkake - they’re just jizzing all over us with this nonsense. I’m actually embarrassed to admit that most people I know believe what they see on TV without question. They are even emotionally involved yet, they’re knowledge is a religious belief without following it’s laws.

They trying hard to disarm the populous, Eric Holder’s words of wisdom of Brainwashing about guns is in heavy dose hear.

Great video. Not sure how anyone can watch the videos with the cops that pretty much tell you these events are staged without actually saying it? After watching the Young Turks Propaganda, you want to scream.

I keep asking myself where are the parents? Do people have a backbone anymore? I wouldn’t allow my kid to participate and be used as tools for treasonous propaganda.