
happy st pats!

mind blown


Austin- And Pozner may have got Robins and other videos removed but that again is not cause for him to stop making videos. Peekay, Robin, and Barry all stopped at around the same time. I wish I knew why and I do wish them all the best because they were good at what they did.

Austin.- Yes I know all about Gutjahr and his daughter and wife. He filmed Nice and Munich and his daughter livestreamed the aftermath of Munich (People walking around) to CNN. She was also at a few green screen Hiliary speeches and Hiliary spoke to her right after one of them. All common knowledge. I don’t see how that caused Peekay to stop making videos. I miss the connection there. I do know he did get arrested on bogus charges too.

RedsilverJ should be on this channel but he not

Sometimes it’s not so easy as someone being a shill or not, it’s not black or white. RFB is not doing any hard hitting truth videos right now, so why should YT censor him anyway. To his credit he’s not misleading, just omitting subjects, not making videos about some things. RFB could simply be a victim of Youtube censorship and he’s chosen to go along with it, and only talk about milk toast truth which YT allows, so he can keep is large channel. A major shill indicator is the supposed reason why these channels make videos. There’s tons of gaming channels on YT and Twitch for example, they get millions of views/subs and are as professional as it gets, everything perfect, with make up, lights, equipment, everything trendy with everyday fresh haircut, trendy beard, new clean furniture, their own merchandise, yet they pretend to be a "nextdoor neighbour" who makes videos - that’s shills to me, people who pretend not to be professionally doing this, to be paid for it, yet they are. With truth channels, let’s take Alex Jones: he has made a career out of being a truther, a multi millionaire, a huge TV/radio operation with many employees, tons of top equipment etc., he’s living the life, right here, right now, despite the evil government he pretends to fight. What is his beef with government anyway, since life has been so good to him? That’s a shill. He pretends to fight the system, yet the system has made his life wonderful. That’s why much of what Alex Jones says is allegedly "wrong" with the system is none of what us regular people worry about - it’s always something about children and education or flouride or new age humanism, while regular folks fight to make ends meet. Take LTV, he says he made enough money to do his show, expose the truth. But looking at his videos, where’s the passion, the anger, the emotions, that make him do the videos at his own expense of time and money?

I have a video from Vidme , let me check this theory out .

uggggggggggg. wow. speechless :/

COINTELPRO Techniques for Dilution, Misdirection and Control of an Internet Forum - Technique #1 – ‘FORUM SLIDING’ - (google it)


What the HELL??

You have got to me kidding me. Is this real?! Fucking creepy!

Bahaha! Love it TTim! Cheers man.

Perfect. Correct track you are on men! Well done. 👍 👍

Ruined my weekend along with rest of stoopidity on the nets!! SMH!!!!!!!!

Thank you BP! Grabbing this now.

Sounds to me like CW WADE wrote the script for Young Turks