
Thank you for all you do! Getting ready to give up my SMART phone...Google has been stalking me for months.

Synagogue of Satan, indeed... They’ll never learn. Watch them commit all-inclusive collective suicide. But, be warned -- they intend the global genocide of ALL humankind in the process.

Nikolas Cruz holding a camera. He is right handed?

Look at this Nikolas Cruz photo holding a pistol.His ears are to small and He is left handed? Nikolas Cruz was a right hander. Hogg was a left hander.?rnrn

Guck Foogle !

Yeah this guy was one of the 1st who was all over this. He did nice work.

He was also talking about running for President . Great video , thanks !

Wonderful. It really is Department of Hoggland Security – No doubt about it.

Has to be one of my faves .

The time listed for those outside US is 8am-12pm EDT. One hour left.

Its got the pepe. funny dog mhhuha! this bunch are need to go away and stop be dumb ass!

Thanks for the heads up!

Love the Floyd soundtrack. Hoggapoolza. You nailed Elaine. What a govt background. I have to think David Hogg has ties to CBS because of life guard vid and cast crew shot. Did Hogg ever go to college? He might have just entered a covert training program right after high school.

LOL’d at the gun control picture saying Hitler killed 13 million of his people.

Why doesn’t RFB want to post here? Quite possibly he has a no compete clause with YT. He can’t post his videos anywhere but YT or lose his revenue power. I am sure it is the same with other YTers. That same clause is used in tv news when someone gets fired. They can’t work at a competing station for 6-12 months from what I have seen over the years

More bs from Simon.

Ole is the man !

When one reads some statements of the rabbis in the Talmud then ... it gets more the obvious they the many of the sheenies, especially their "spiritual leadership" has gotten ... completely meshugah, they have become the utter fools of this plane(t)!

Wow, I tried it and its real! How did you find this?

Saw you on jason goodman show. Was tremendous amount of things thrown around there. Hope was more help thru things. Please also check into those suggested in video. Await your thoughts. Thanks.. GB