
Looks like nothing going on in Dallas. But this is something to really watch. The Washington Monument. Closed until next year.

Missiles. All one has to look at is the evidence at both holes. No planes.


What was that music???? keep at em’ side thorn and conspiracy granny!

Eeewwww, a wabbit hole, I say.

Yeah they can shave a beard and plastic Surgery and die some hair color.I Am not saying he is or not but facial features Say it could Be.

On just a small note, YT began a few months ago, to insert a string of msm videos onto my feed to, I suppose, "counteract" the truth that I’m seeing on the channels that I subscribe to. I already have to deal with the strict laws on "privacy" here in the European Union. That’s another censorship joke that they use to clamp down even harder so that people here don’t get any truth at all!! So few people here in Italy know anything about what’s really going on in the world. It’s tragic, really and I’ve made it almost my crusade to try to wake them up as much as I can. One by one.

I love my Mainstream media. They make my life so much easier . I’m never ever going to be scared again. Lol

Uckfay Ooglegay.

A world where the Resznekis are heroes , wow ...

Take a look at the CNN interview with Bin Laden from ’98 from a freaking cave, lol. I have never bought the Osama- Obama same person.

Gratitude! I am slowly learning the ’language’...!

Hey I Thought Obama And Osama OrTim Osman Looked alike.I am not saying they are one in the same but they could pass as brothers Or Family.

Are you and the Conspiracy Granny doing Okay.

Snafu !

Looks like he is feeling the unwanted attention

YouTube is dead !

Of course Wikipedia is in on it 100%. rnThe "shooter" of the Ft. Hoaxdale was published as a picture in full prison clothing about 10’ after he surrendered. Unfortunately, he got to the FL Prison (allegedly) at 2 AM, about 14 hours later. How did the wiki user have that picture then? It’s their agents ... and surely Wiki won’t allow me to EDIT the Ft. Hoaxdale page. Instant notification and a super moderator comes to ERASE the TRUTH. Fuck Wiki!

Wow...great vid.

Obama is not Osama. However, you are right that Presidents just playing roles.