
Peekay nailed the lot.

Agreed .

I lived in Turkiye for many years. That Guy is not a Turk. What make this even more strange is- foreign journalists working in Turkiye complain the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has started to target them in an expansion of a media clampdown.

I lived in Turkiye for many years. That Guy is not a Turk. What make this even more strange is- foreign journalists working in Turkiye complain the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has started to target them in an expansion of a media clampdown.

Great video. New information about Bldg 7. I like the hypothesis of Plan A destruction method not working properly so THEY had to resort to Plan B which did work. It sounds right to me by I do not think this hypothesis was fully explored.

Good stuff ...

Thank you for all you do!!!

I cant say he got everything correct, but he knows his stuff and like I said, I learned a lot from his stuff. Don’t agree with everything he said, but most of it. rnAs for the Boston murder, I vaguely remember it, was it the one where the guy recorded himself on Facebook Live before getting shot by police?

He claims to have PTSD? Yet His teeth look just fine? I really DO have to restrain myself from rearranging them.

Walter, show ANY video related to anything against the mainstream machine to a random person (or in my experience, even family and friends) and all they’ll see is some crazy conspiracy nonsense. Besides, this video shows evidence, which can verified, of how this character is acting online.

Thanks! "Caliber Hitting" has a few playlists in which the videos, which I’d like to watch, are set to private. Maybe he’ll share them here?

"He is a protected individual in a world of deception." He certainly is! I subscribed to him and a few videos later he posted some bullshit newspaper story about a restaurant in the north of France (a totally unnamed restaurant) serving a human foot, as if it were true. A blatant ’fake-news’ pusher. That was enough to paint a picture of his "research skills", without all this other crap.

Right on Mike, labeling terrorists for their ethnicity is EXACTLY what the Illuminati want to generate DIVISION, while the MSM, following their orders, puts the blame on ANTISEMITISM instead of DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

Sorry for all the false starts that posted. Just learned never to hit the return key as that posts whatever you are trying to erase and start all over again on.

"A perfect example is Alex Jones, he was telling a lot of what seemed to be the truth, but when Y2K came around he fear mongered the shit outta that crisis and was intentionally trying to cause civil unrest. " What is so funny is that AJ continually claims that he is not trying to cause civil unrest but just the opposite. Yet AJ goes to rallies of various kinds or sends one of his reporters to stir up contention if not necessarily "civil unrest." We have an opportunity now to observe the ways of shills during this YouTube purge of truth and First Amendement and this time when the USA is on the chopping block. Another characteristic or tell-tale sign of a shill is when they do what I call the "martyr shtick." They constantly talk up how they are persecuted for their hard work to stand up for the USA and for righteousness. I think it is even conceivable that this whole "I’ve been banned by YouTube" is a useful set-up or tool to get to play the martyr role and pump up the false patriotism and clicks and $$$.

I really have to restrain myself from blaming "the jews" but when so many are in on these hoaxes it’s difficult. But, having said that, I know a few jewish people who have no clue about world politics or psyops, or illuminati rituals, etc. So it’s important to remember that it’s not "the jews" who are at fault for all the chaos. It goes much higher than that.

Thank you for this video. We are in truth-purge time and our USA country and the First Amendment is on the chopping block so we need to observe and share and try to keep this platform strong and secure. I have never been able to register as get message that new accounts registrations are closed for now.

Thank you for this video. We are in truth-purge time and our USA country and the First Amendment is on the chopping block so we need to observe and share and try to keep this platform strong and secure. I have never been able to register as get message that new accounts registrations are closed for now.

Thank you for posting this video as it deals with a subject that we need to pay particular attention to at this point in time.

Thank you for posting this video as it deals with a subject that we need to pay particular attention to at this point in time.