
Yes sir!! Nice video!!

These two videos are enough to know that he is a shill: rn

LEGENDS of Kearnsy74!

These two videos are enough to know that he is a shill:rn

And our ’friend’ Lenny Pozner took down HowISee TheWorld with his copyright claims.

Watch this and you have your answer. Mirror from Peekay Truth – Richard Gutjahr and daughter:

Damage Control: Conspiracy Theories: How I Became Fake News | Richard Gutjahr | TEDxMarrakesh:

Because Richard Gutjahr manage to take down his channel when Peekay exposed him. Wikispooks: Richard Gutjahr (or Richard Goodyear) is a German ’independent’ journalist, resident in Munich, who posted footage he had personally shot of both the 14 July 2016 Nice Truck Event and the 22 July 2016 Munich shooting. His daughter, Thamina Stoll, was interviewed internationally for footage that she - apparently independently - took and posted online of people fleeing the Munich shooting. –

No need to specify the Fair Use exception here for the copyrighted material. Jason will fight to stop them from censoring you here, as he’s doing against the terrorist and fraudster that goes by the name of Lenny Pozner.

The Usual Suspects = AML, Peekay, Woodrow Wobbles, Truth In Your Face & Mad Pieman. And by the way – Nice T-shirt on Woodrow.

I’ve always wondered if the fact that the BBC reported Building 7 going down "before" it went down was due to Daylight Savings Time. USA is an hour ahead in September. I don’t know if that was taken into consideration.

No wonder you cannot get anything done in Melbourne. The names of the businesses are so Freemasonic and are clearly run by the elite you are chasing. SUSSAN = 33 and has an extra S to make it a 33. It also has the USA or in this case the USSA who are the people behind all this BULLSHIT.. COTTON ON = 116 the inverse of much more do you need to know why no one will own up to Mr GARGA and his antics..

Worth watching just to see Peekay wearing his wifebeater once more. lol

Hi Anaconda. Hey why did Peekay stop making videos? Maybe that’s too personal to ask, but a lot of people really miss him.

I though for a minuet that I was in a time machine going back to the 70’s. Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks sketch would have worked as well. I seriously need a trip to Melbourne..

St. Thomas

The crane is the thing that stood out to me as well. This just isn’t how things work, especially after an accident.

Of course the hospital was on the other side of the street from the hotel, near where the camera was.

why are these zionist so obsessed with taking away our guns? Is it so that they can complete takeover and rule with an iron fist?

4.00 minute mark. One eye symbolism on both photo’s. It’s easy this shit isn’t it. It’s almost like they’re not trying anymore!