
So what they are saying in the second video is, don’t bully people because they will shoot everyone.? Hahahaha

Youtube is a cancer

Trump is a puppet but I don’t think he’s jewish...especially if the Drumpf’s were once winegrowers.

Even if he holds the copyright for the brown jacketed kid, we have to be infringing on copyright or trademark laws and we are doing neither. Most ISP’s would probably just remove the offending pictures or videos to save them the headache. Showing a picture is not copyright infringment, but truly up until now we just don’t have much of an avenue to fight back.

Dallas 322?

We now have 7 counts of DMCA fraud that Lenny has to now sue us in court for us to stop the videos from going back up. He has 10 business days give or take an additional 10 days to sue me/ We are on business day 2 for DMCA video take down 1 and I just received acknowledgement for takedown 2 and 3. So the 10 days begins for them. So yes, when we come back and say this is not copyright or trademark fraud, he now has to sue me to fight this.

Just a stargate, I expect. But if Larry Silverstein is involved, it’s a death-ray demolition.

I have no doubt whose team whose is on. It doesn’t matter if we are on Amazon, Digital Ocean, or any other provider, if we are in the United States this is the legal front we have to fight. Every single provider has the same format and what everyone should realize is that I wasn’t born yesterday. If and when they get our amazon account shut down, that doesn’t matter. Our main server isn’t on amazon or anywhere near amazon. When they destroy the Amazon account, we simply go find another place that we can do our load balancing on and we bring it up. Lesson 1 of digital war, never expose your server. So for historical records and fighting this, I am choosing the fight against Lenny and Amazon fully expecting at some point for Amazon to side with Lenny and nuke our services...but as I said...they never come close to the real server which could be hosted deep into the Netherlands for all we know. Also there are many things at play here. The more DMCA attacks we get from Lenny, the more counts we will sue him with in Federal Court. He is walking into a trap and falling for it all the way.

Amazon is not on your side. Remember the book "Nobody died at Sandy Hook" was deleted off the sales page. why would you not suspect that Amazon is working for Lenny?

I got a DMCA from Lenny for photos on my wordpress site. ( 3 of the photos were brown jacket and three were not. I responded that Lenny perjured himself by claiming the non-brown jacket photos were a violation of the brown jacket images. I responded that Pozner was lodging false copyright harassment claims by including 3 images that failed to match the copyright claim . It’s important to remember the "brown jacket" photo is the only image of copyright record. All other Noah images in different attire are not (yet) copyrighted.

I’m obviously no lawyer, so please forgive my question /s, but doesn’t Lenny or whoever files one of these have to eventually defend the filing in court? It’s obvious to me that they are done specifically to give you a headache and frustrate you beyond belief. Despite that though, wouldn’t it also cost HIM lawyers fees or whatever, in the end? Maybe he doesn’t have to worry about costs because his masters in the government pay all costs. I’m trying to figure it out. Sorry this is happening!!!

Fucking hell! Cheers man, sent a few people the link, starting with "pe pe" pre-filled and gave them the instructions to continue it themselves.

That’s the Smoking Gun, right there.

Yep! I remember when there was the incident in New York with the car pretending to run over those people. Within FIFTEEN MINUTES of the event there was already a Wikipedia page about it It wasn’t just two sentences either. It was something that took time to write and had obviously been prepared in advance. This move of YT ’s is the equivalent of them asking Snopes to verify something. What a joke!! Also, thank you to SideThorn for his encouraging response to me!!

wetube is a theme Henry (fromdeath2life) and I paid out the nose for a while ago. however it is lacking. So when you see the site go completely weird, thats the developers trying some new stuff. One day very soon we will swap over to the cooler look theme.

mhuaa ;all related wangs in coral spring; piles of wangs.

Nothing to debunk: that’s clearly CGI layering, also exposed by Ace Baker, more technically advanced and precise in his explanations in PsyOpera.

Nice work Snafu. It’s the Russians fault. Are you keeping up with Q, just as a mater of interest?

Yeah, side thorn, who r we actually trying to help (those that dont want to know :(

I am not attacking you, just Simon’s work. He thinks everything was fake. I will get the bridge debunking soon. Busy today.