
I wont give away the farm but there are 2 seperate law firms who know Lenny well assisting our New York attorney. When we get Lenny to court there are wolf packs waiting to pounce.

Yes, I followed the situation with Wolfgang Halbig through Tony Mead, someone i have a lot of respect for. Lenny just wouldn’t show up at all and even came up with a doctor’s excuse for a "mysterious, unnamed, illness". Haha! I know it’s not funny, but the guy just doesn’t stop embarrassing himself!! I hope it doesn’t end up in court, only for the cost. For any reason other than that, I’d LOVE to see him forced to provide the answers to some specific questions. Anyway, thanks for responding before. You already know well, that you are fighting for all of us here!! Thanks!!

Doesnt matter his name. The entity using federal law to attack us will need to prove who he is.

Good point, how far up is Len? I would go one further and ask does Len even exist as a "real" person? As you say, if they do let him (whoever he is!) have court time NO WAY will his masters allow SH to face any scrutiny in a court room, no way on earth as the whole house of cards will blow down.

It all depends on how deep we go. I have a sneaking suspicion I am gonna have to chase him into court. If we can get him and his gang in for depositions he will hang himself. It seems nobody can get this ghost into court. Others filing false DMCA reports have had to pay 125k and some cases even went to jail. As much as I grumble over each takedown, the more he files the more he is gonna have to pay.

Get him, legally, for all of us!! I have a question - can your defense ask :who "Lenny Posner" is, what is his legal relationship to the boy known as "Noah Posner", and proof of the identity of the boy known as "Noah Posner"?? It would seem to me that, as part of the discovery process, that these questions would be the basis for his copyright claims. Obviously, make HIM prove that he has some sort of legal basis for his claims. Anyway, go get him!! Figuratively, of course!!

I wonder how far up the perp food chain Lenny is situated. If this goes to court, I think they will let Lenny fry himself on GoFundMe fraud, but try to avoid SH being brought up in court.

Is your federal court in the same jurisdiction as federal court used for 9/11 claims (which were fraudulent)? I think it is southern tier in NY. Bush first cousin John was a judge in that court.

the potential for abuse is very likely with this sort of unchecked authority. So this person is clearly schizophrenic or at least thats how its reported, but when can he able to legally purchase a firearm? The broadness and indefinite nature of this is too dangerous and infringing on civil liberties. No due process has occurred which should be cause for alarm.

Great stuff Jason! Dimwit LYING Len will be forever known as the boy that cried wolf after all of this once he has been devoured by playing his pathetic game one time too many.

that last line from piers morgan was hilarious. I was absolutely fuming before that though. Damn unlce alice you are the bearing of bad news.


Or.. accumulate, gather under false pretense and use for nefarious reasons. I think the second. Either way it leads to stoopid!

Hence "A Shepard" 👍

That definitely wasn’t done by a missile but there are many shady things on 9/11 unfortunately without the original unmanipulated videos we’ll never know but at least we learned what’s the job of the media: enslavement.

I despair that so few are aware of this or understand what it means! Recently I had a conversation with a long-time friend who gets all his news from MSNBC (OMG); thinking that it was only ignorance that keeps him complacent, I explained what the NDAA did, but his response was: "Oh well, that doesn’t really bother me. If it’s for a good cause then I’m OK with it." !!!!! WTF??? I was rendered speechless and I began to perceive my friend anew -- as an Agent in the Matrix...!

That 2875 is a Parcel Post not too far south of Pulse.

Read Steve De’ak work. This is what I believe happened.

The missile comes in from left to right, not straight on. I am very well aware of explosion and cgi (layering) taken place. Been on this since ’03. Let me get you a link....

From my point of view the explosion comes from the inside of the tower and the CGI plane rendered to hit the tower (and go through it) to mask this. Missiles are designed to punch through with the explosion going from the head and onwards. These explosions instead start from inside and blow outwards in all 4 directions and this is not what a missile is designed to do. It’s the explosion that "justifies" the thermate and it’s the heat of the thermates plus the weight of the towers that bent the steel beams and columns. rn rnIt’s technically a poor CGI job (watch the crane video and in some frames there are TWO planes, wing disappearing, etc.) that anyone can spot, provided you watch frame by frame. rnI think it’s easy for us who connect the dots with today’s CGI and fake ISIS terror attacks but it wasn’t so easy back then.rnWe didn’t know back then the TV was capable of lying the way we found out it’s been lying later on (there’s a 10yr gap between 9/11 and Sandy Hook and I think Sandy Hook is what pushed 90% of the awakened of today to look back at 9/11 but of course, it all started with the Apollo fake landings).rn