
Hopefully I make it to top of the Honr roll. This Eagle Scout has come prepared.

A defeat of Lenny will be a gift to the world. World champion fighters only succeed until someone better comes along. So far what I see of Leonard is a sloppy guy. The fight is just starting, I may be totally surprised by this guy and he may win a battle but I am gonna be the one to finish him and his entire group. I am talking to YOU Lenny and your boys. If I had 12 counts of fraudulent DMCA charges coming I would pack up and run. How did Bush Sr. put this...when we are successfull, and we will be successful...

yes I know gun laws quite well someone could already lose gun rights for involuntary commitments ie bluepapered. I agree you have to include the 4th amendment infringements as well. Just got word of a school shooting in maryland. I’m sure its just a coincidence that its shortly before the march set for 3/23.

Cool...glad someone noticed. Lenny better take notice because I put that song in for a reason. The lyrics go deeper. does a really good job proving 911 was just another hollywood movie and 3000 people did not die. Check it out!

Loretta Lynch Caught Using Fake Name To Conceal Collaboration With Foreign Agents --

Loretta Lynch Caught Using Fake Name To Conceal Collaboration With Foreign Agents --

Ignore "rn" after Harold. Apparently code for "return".

Facebook --

baal=lord is dead on. Creator has a name and its not what we have been told. Good selection of videos you have up’d. Keep em coming. BG

It goes much further back. this comes from babylon bro. this is the original pagan stuff. IHS etc. Coming soon to all ends of the earth. thank you.

Formatting trashes intended comments. This code is buggy.

Thank you Ole. Downloading. Stay safe and aware brother.

H=first letter of first name = HaroldrnSAIVE = "Save" common pronunciationrnDerivation = Saive, BE me on Facebookrn

Shooting the mailman wont help. lol Sorry bro.. this is a "NEWS" site. 😂 . To just have someone "reported" as unstable is bypassing the law, so they made a new one. this goes WAAAY past constitutional protections. I still say this will then lead into infringements of the 4th as well. Watch for it, I been correct so far.. Bad as hate to say it, I can think like a fkn maniac or better know as an average peoples representative. GRRRR

Thanks!! Now that you’ve seen it personally I’d like to take it down bc I don’t like to have my personal stuff up here, looking like I’m saying "oh, poor me!!". I know that LOTS of people are in bad financial situations, so i’ll wait fifteen minutes and take it down, if that’s OK with you. Thanks for your understanding and and I’ll do everything I can to help!!

Brilliant song for this JB! best tag ever :look for the truth in your mother’s eyes. Peace and Godspeed!

I absolutely can’t tell you how HAPPY AND THRILLED I am to hear this!!! I wouldn’t like the guy anyway, but since he named me personally, on his Honr site, with green highlights that send the viewer directly to my real name Facebook profile and he says that people on the list should be "outed with friends, family, and employers" and even has an asterisk at the bottom saying that everyone on the list is "dangerously mentally disturbed", I’m sure you can understand why I’m so interested in this and want to see you succeed so much!! Principles are extremely important to me and so is this reason. So... Let him have it for me too!!

How do you pronounce your channel name and is there a meaning to it ?