
There happens to be an Andy Parker who is the secretary of the(Dis)Honr Network. Wonder if it’s the same guy?

No tears. Both of them as cool as cucumbers. / It’s just a thought, but maybe she couldn’t identify th eadult because this staged shooting utilized other people’s cadavers. In other words, certain people agree to be ’ victims" , disappear during the shooting and cadavers are laid in the hallways to provide visuals for the students to help make the story credible. That would explain why nobody is crying, even though there were bodies on the ground.

So refreshing to hear Side Thorn speak truth about the many false events. I pray God Speed for him.

" The wall was coming down and " COMING" on my leg ’ ? What The ? Do you get what she is saying ?

Wow i haven’t seen the video of the shooter after the event.

March 24, 2018? (03+2+4=9, 2+0+1+8=11) Just another thought.

Those guys from VICE should see the FEMA drill manuals, where moulage is covered in depth. Its an essential part of the drill if there are to be people playing injured or dead people. It’s all in the manual, like the FEMA capstone manual that they had for Sandy Hook. If that manual got broadcasted to the millions of sheep, I’m sure some of them would start to wake up to the fact that they use crisis actors, perform these drills, and pawn it off as a real event to put the citizens in a state of fear. FEAR = (F)alse (E)vents (A)ppearing (R)eal. Never forget that!

Glad you are back and hope you all make more video’s

The thing with media is that they can easily twist ST and CG’s words and turn it into a hit piece. I remember a different media outlet interviewed Wolfgang Halbig last year about Sandy Hook to "get his side of the story" and then fucked him over and it was all about Lenny and how Lenny is the victim to "truthers" who cannot accept the official story. ST is straight up all the way, and even if that guy asking questions has good investigative intentions, the upper management of the magazine might want to kill the story or just twist it and turn it into a hit piece against those who know the truth. That is what I fear might happen. Look at all the other media outlets that "reported" the story of ST and CG’s arrest. They NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tried to get ST or CG’s side of the story. It is all about making them out to be crazy conspiracy theorists. It is all about character assassination. Why would VICE be allowed to report on the truth?

I’m replying to both of you here. I don’t know much about Vice. Only that they’re msm, trying to disguise themselves as "hip, cool, and trendy". I hope they don’t try to claim they don’t have time, or publish this and somehow mess with what you’ve said. Either way, the guy on the phone is either a good actor or he really wants to see the evidence. My fingers will be tightly crossed!!

NDAA legalized False Flags and Fake News --

Good one! (p.s. -- I cannot get over how much you sound like Tommy Lee Jones)

NDAA legalized False Flags and Fake News --

MY QUESTION IS....What was he doing at 930 that morning filming what was a shooter situation but it didnt happen til about 230. Did he know it was going to happen?

Lol. " I can’t use the bathroom by myself anymore. " I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. That makes two of us that need some bathroom help.

Interesting you had to explain "Moulage" (French: casting/moulding) the art of applying mock injuries for the purpose of training emergency response teams and other medical and military personnel.

That was the most clear and precise explanation of EVERYTHING that I’ve heard in a long long, time. Maybe the ONLY one I’ve ever heard! You represent this community of people who want the truth to be exposed so well. I’m really glad that you choose not to go into the "why" of these psy ops because, as you said, people need to see the truth first. Unfortunately, people who haven’t awoken yet get too hung up on the why and forget the main thing - that this is real. I hope so strongly that Vice acts in an honest way about this - by actually doing the interview and not worrying about whatever it is that these people worry about all the time when they are too scared to come out with the facts. Anyway, I’m EXTREMELY impressed and very hopeful. Thank you!!!!!

Wow. You are so angry, Your message is completely lost. For the record, it’s neo Nazi Germanic people that stage these school shootings , not Jewish people. You make truthers look ignorant and angry. Good job. Hitler would love you.

Sebastian was distracted by driving at the time of the interview.

NCAA Final Four San Antonio Just A Thought.