
schools have basically become marxist indoctrination camps. This stuff needs to stop.

So is this Q hype another another psyop?

All ties back to high incident project doesn’t it? I believe they got that kid off the phone because he was screwing up his lines.

Right. And Whats first thing you think of when hear gun fire?? think why they got shot or maybe.. lets get help and yuck look at the guts/blood etc.. He did fine for 6 lines. And to boot, get him out of the cold rain, hes shivering cold. FFS these people! Wonder what he really saw..

Just to clear one thing up, it wasn’t a security guard. It was an actual police officer, they actually said he was a swat officer. I’ve lived in Maryland my entire life, in high school we had a resource officer too. Ours was a deputy sheriff, anyway just wanted to throw that out there. < the video referred to in this one went missing since yesterday. this was a drill in 2016, Its a aerial shot from dailymail of a drill in 2016. Imagine that. :/

T/y for the ups.

Good one JG. The detectors would fall right in line with the mess that came fro Vegas and the pus there for installations. Assuming there are the warehouses of devices/scanners still sitting unused.. now is the time for the big payoff. Chertoff and co will be the players. This was a whole story in it self during Vegas. Well done.

So much psychological trauma from the kid at 6:00. Its like he just saw someone get pied in the face.

He looks like Tom cruise in a really bad disguise..

Yolanda all the onscene reporters just so happened to have kids at this school if you can believe that haha

Not a tear to be found. Many other anomalies as well with this event in my own state. The baseball uniform is from a team there years ago.

Soon I can see the amounts going up like this. Most are "believable" but wait for it. then throw ina few lile from some gov agencies above board and the rest below board and boom. a whole new life abroad.. visit squigges "kid" .lol

+1 for both post :)

No Problem....your welcome and thanks for support

I have a 6year old with autism and it happened immediately after the vaccine. Was never able to rock him to sleep again. My woman is VERY educated/Active in the anti-vaccine movement. I am trying to get her to join me here on 153news. So send some messages this way to convince her she is needed/wanted to join our work bringing truth to the people lol.

Yeah Pastor Don sends them directly to me. I been dubbed official 153news uploader of TVNI lol. I did the same on youtube and my views were triple what he was getting so the word was getting out and thats all that matters. I never monetized anything. Coming within next couple weeks I will be doing an hour with Jim each week exclusive to 153news. If my woman and I sort out some stupid drama(big surprise couple having disagreement) we will be doing a show again exclusive to 153news. Gonna be busy getting the word out.

He says 9:32, never says A.M

Have you looked in to the KY school shooting. Lots of anomalies

Yes sir great video