
Well done, good short answers. Espacially when tried to tie conspiracies to Trump (alt right) "No, they’re all the same"

What I also like with Russianvids. You can hear the passion in his voice.

His analysis of Las Vega was super: 100% Proof The Las Vegas Shooting Was A Hoax By Russianvids: – This is one of my favorites – Cargo Ship Out At Sea Proves Flat Earth – Nikon P900 Digital Camera Video Footage: – And that one were some woman ’exposes’ him as Roddy Piper.

Side Thorn Journalist hopefully some more ammunition for you both. What is Cambridge Analytica?rnCambridge Analytica is a company that offers services to businesses and political parties who want to “change audience behaviour”. rn

This is what they’ll eventually do once virtual life has taken over 80% of jobs in the world and people will be forced to accept Universal Basic Income. In order to participate in the UBI program, you’ll need to be chipped and pumped full of poisons. This is why we ALL (myself included) need to learn how to be self-sufficient and live off of the grid. Once 5G becomes mainstream and virtual life takes everyone’s jobs, people in the city are going to be fucked. They will either have to rely on the government to survive or break out of the city and live like our ancestors did.

Whoever she is, she’s spot on. The future’s so bright we’re going to need shades. 😎😧

I remember him going into google and demanding they re-instate Peekay Truths channel. So now you got:(a) mainstream media, (b) "alternative" media carrying the mainstream narrative and (c) us. I really, really really hope that this shit with facebook and Cambridge Analytica blows the door open a little to switch new citizens onto this whole other real world we got going. Regards to Sidethorn and Conspiracy Grannie.

Dallas has 2 more Disaster Preparedness drills scheduled for April 21 and May 12.

Gratitude! I look forward to the Attenborough-style documentary series.

FINALLY!!!! Listen you are a thousand percent right about this. Not only is it exactly the way you’ve explained it, but I really can’t understand how anyone in his right mind, and especially so called truthers, could fail to understand that this is just as much a psy op as all the rest. There is no savior on a white horse. Either we take care of the situation for ourselves (manner of action to be decided) or that’s it. Just my opinion. Anyway, excellent video!!!

VICE is an alphabet agency

They took you out right before the Austin fake bombings happened. So ... check into it and offer a reward for proof that anybody died from a bomb. Note .. no blood on this bozos Pathfinder’s windshield. No damage to the headliner or visors. No safety glass on the grass or road. Bust em up. Gettem!

The reply is actually to SideThorn, but I don’t know how to do that on a telephone. I think you see me so much is because it’s such bad weather in Italy (fog all the time in Milano, but I’m actually from New Orleans) that I’m on my phone a lot. I had written you a message the other day about this guy that I saw on Jason Boss’s video that had three entire CHANNELS that talked only about you. He also had comments from this Reznecki person that everyone talks about. I’d never seen any person or any government entity go to THAT extreme and, I didn’t know if you had seen it so I wrote you a message. I know these people will go to any lengths, but I’d never seen three whole channels against one person before. Call me naïve (sometimes I am), but I had just written in case you didn’t know about it.

so when do we go after them and send them to jail i have yet to here any one say we need to stop them bring them to court to jail this is the one thing i never here any one talk about

You know how I envision it? First of all, they ALL record every conversation. I see it like this, even though I’m hoping beyond hope that this isn’t the case - They call back and say their schedule that he mentioned, won’t "allow them the time to give this story the exposure to the public that it deserves", therefore no video interview, and he and his producer (the woman on the phone) either write an article or do a video and completely twist SideThorn’s words /actions /belief in the truth. To me personally, the guy didn’t sound distracted. That’s just me though. Everyone hears differently. I have to say again though that I was really impressed with SideThorn’s presentation of the facts. I couldn’t have done that myself in a thousand years. He presented facts and logic. It’s up to them to have the courage to present it. I don’t think they have it, but I can still hope!!

I’m convinced this guy with Vice is a spook. Can’t stand vice just another nwo media outlet IMO.

Oh okay i was thinking of the shooter just misunderstood it.

Thank YOU (and Granny) for the work you do!

ST and Granny: sorry about the arrest. But I think it was a good thing if anyone was paying attention. I think peoples brains shut down when they hear the words "conspiracy theorist". I think the media/ powers that be KNOW THIS and used it. If your local paper carried a story about the arrest: I think you two should call and ask them to do a follow up story with you. Tell them you want them to hear your side of the story. In fact, I would ask any "real" newspaper /news outlet that ran your story. (after you check with your lawyer of course)

Okay, he talks in the interview like he is not aware of that he been recorded. (My opinion).