
Vice at this point is definitely the enemy , I expect a hit piece on truthers but at this point I can’t see how they could do much more damage to us than they already have . Time to get the attention positive or negative and fight back 100% ! Thanks brother I see you everywhere , rock on !

Jews love these Babylonia sexual perversions. Turn on the talmud vision or whatever else they control and you don’t have to watch/listen for long to see the filth. Nice vid!

Thanks so much I will check it out .

All yours brother , it was my dad’s favorite phrase !

Thanks brother , we truly love your work especially when you kick Reszneki in the teeth !

Great interview. nice job. You had the interviewer interested in what you were saying. He seemed like a closet open minded guy. not all the way there yet.

“Everyone is being buffaloed” I like that phrase I’m going to have to steal that one Sidethorn.

Here’s what I have. Some videos taken down....

VICE did the interviews with the band that played at Bataclan during Paris shooting. They really milked it for all that it was worth. Really pathetic on their part. Hope everything goes in your favor as this situation continues. 😀

Very interesting!! Though I understand completely what the lawyer is saying regarding speaking about something without concrete proof, I was put off by what he said about Pulse and the fact that "we don’t know" whether it was just crisis actors. I wasn’t there, but I do "know". There is no question about it in my mind. Yes, I definitely came away unhappy with that particular part of the interview. Thanks very much for posting this!! I’m glad, for various reasons, that I heard it!!

I feel sick watching this. The world is full of evil people.

Why is regristration for this site closed temporarily? Am new to this site so any info on how to create an account would be appreciated.Excellent video, by the way. Will be adding it to my files on faux/fraud/fake/hoax/Inside jobs.

Great video, Uncle!

Remember this story? 2015. Germanwings suicide pilot. Andreas Lubitz the co-pilot who crashed Germanwings Flight 4U9525 in the French Alp. Probably a totally bogus story. Offiial story: Shortly after reaching cruise altitude and while the captain was out of the cockpit, he locked the cockpit door and initiated a controlled descent that continued until the aircraft impacted a mountainside. Guess what? One month before this story hit the news – a new movie came out – the plot was the same!

Great video , I had no idea about the movie .

This whole last 17 years since 9/11 has been pretty much planned out beforehand. I always say this: no media complicity, no 9/11 or these events. ✌

U get the gov’t u deserve.. Never had more power than now.. imho.. peace outrn

Great interview!

Maybe this belongs on his twitter...Brilliant.