
If you see shill behavior in comments – contact the staff. END OF STORY!

Jason I think you may want to clarify what you mean by Attack. At least it would help me know what you mean Criticism can be a really positive thing as none of us really see the whole picture.

I’ve becoming used to this nausea that is associated with this sickening SCAM...and all those who opt for covering their eyes, ears and mouths. I happened to just mention to a (long-time) friend that I thought the Moon Missions were a hoax and I thought he’d get an aneurism -- "What is your PROOF?!" he cried. Shocked, but keeping calm I replied: "That is a good question! Would you like to look at some evidence?" His response was a resounding "NO. I don’t want to see it." And there you have it.

Thanks Jason! Both feet on the ground ! Unbelievable. We now have 3 world leading experts on false flags here on 153 News, and the first thing people do – looking for ropes!

Exactly. If people want to attack other Truthers – go over to Youtube. This infighting is time consuming, and the benefit is zero.

Why do they wait so long on releasing video? Because they need to create support evidence after the event. I am leery that this was videoed before the event. Most likely this Paddock video was done within a time period after the event. It could have been last week....

Everything’s a lie, and that’s the truth! My video was No 3 – so I guess that video now is okay. Winning against Lenny Pozner. Yes!

No lube man...

LOL!! Brilliant .. maybe psychic!

Interesting. I looked at it and thought he looked a bit fatter. Well its here for review.. just a share..

We would expect more from the times?

Thank you for all you do.

Most of the honor guard point their weapons at the occupied building and fire the blank loads! No trained rifleman will fire ANY load, blank or not toward a humans. This shit is comedy gold!

Hopefully my newspaper parody is going to come true sooner than later... ✌

no footage of the 32 floor just a schematic. More theatrics more unconvincing attempts to establish a believable narrative.

Great!! Get that guy for me too (for labeling me "seriously mentally disturbed"). Besides my personal note, I’m hopeful, having seen this, that Amazon will do the right thing. Hard to imagine from anything connected to Jeff "Mr CIA" Bezos, but you never know... Thanks for keeping us posted on this!!

I saw that yesterday. I think it is Bruce Paddock, not Steve. I have to look at my screen shots of video. Bruce posed for the dead photo. That is why they got him out of the script by "arresting" him for child porn.

UA: it has to do with 9/11. Let the viewers decide.

Agree, eat meat spit bones with him.