
Go to Liveleak Side and sub to AltPlanetZ. He has been shut down 27 times by YouTube but he is as determined as you are. He’s an EXPERT background researcher and you must absolutely look at his finding on dozens of these hoaxes. rnrn

Welcome to 153 ! Loved the show and would sure like to see your opinion on some of these fake school shootings and hoaxes if you ever get a chance . Keep up the great work brother in sharing those hard to swallow facts !

Yes. Ole want the information OUT – everywhere. This is about the arrest. Mail to me from Ole, March 7, 2018. Thank you. Thanks to your previous message, I have already given a number of interviews where I have pointed out what has happened. Hopefully, it helps to get them free.

Thumbs up all the way brother, Thank you.

Love it... Hahahaha

Benny the moron, just incriminated himself hardcore.

People please watch. Then you can decide. Is he a gatekeeper, a shill, controlled opposition, a sellout... I don’t think so. The video is from April 2017.

Thanks Austin !

Ole is the best and has shown us time and time again that he is the real thing even doing a 24 hour marathon during our witch hunt by the mainstream media telling everyone who we really were and once again promoting the $100,000 REWARD . He had to call in favors just to get those bigger outlets to take him on such short notice . No gatekeeper would ever do that as we have tried all of them over the years to do so . Thank you Ole for all that you have done for us and the truth movement !

Yeah, fully agree. I cant vouch for Ole but I can vouch for one of the people Ole has himself interviewed and gave exposure to. You can’t dismiss a person as a shill simply because they have become big in the truth community. Also it creates paranoia. I once had someone suggest I was paid opposition because in my early videos I made some pretty blinding errors, which I have since learned from. Typical those videos where I messed up got huge viewing figures (by my standards), so this person thought I was being paid to make "truthers" look bad. I have always been transparent when I make an error though.

Who is Ole Dammegard? I recommend everyone to see this video, it come up today. Ole Dammegard – The Real Deal – Stockholm Truck Attack – Jim Fetzer & Ole Dammegard –

That was a satanic upchuck

Part of the disinfo campaign...lies on top of lies..could easily be cgi with that low of quality. Do hotels know when you lock the deadbolt these days?

Keep up the good work dude .Have a great weekend.

I am in all for nominating individuals for the Best Performance by a Crisis Actor Award!

they bring andy parker hilarious

or setting it up for when one of these babies goes live.

imitate a stage collapse sounds strange. Could be used as pre production material.

This is just to distract the public from the ridiculous legislation proposals and police state coup. And no this is exactly the kind of material I’d expect from the times.

yes I think you are spot on with that. Fetzer said the same thing about the picture. Also there would be brain matter and skull fragments everywhere not just blood over the face and on the carpet. Self inflicted gunshots are much more gruesome just watch any documentary on people who do crime scene clean up. Did you notice that the tehama "shooter" and eric paddock look a lot a like.