
Hey ST - I just took a look at the Vice website:’s filled with interviews of fake people that survived fake school shootings. I hope they do write an article regarding your interview with that guy, but they better not twist your words or we’ll have to post links back to this page, which would expose them for what they are.

Does this stuff really go out on the mainstream in the states ? I thought we were dumbed down but bloody hell this is next level . Looks like you have an even harder job waking people up .


Interesting indeed. Local hoax .

There repeated attempts to infringe on basic gun rights is so pathetic and transparent. Looks like a bunch of people paid by bloomberg to push ridiculous gun control once again. yawn.

So LYING Len has been found out as a LIAR by Amazon now. Oh dear LYING Len, people are working you out to be the fraud that you are. You were so stupid to pick this fight to begin with. Hahahaha

MattyD calls everyone else shill every odd day! :-)

Russians probably paid off that US goalie to let a few pucks past.

A wise man once said, "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit." Russia-good tree, Us-corrupt tree Shameful

Fantastic video. Insane copy-cat details. Theres a video out there suggesting Anders Breivik footage in the police station and courtroom is CGI’d because there is only one angle to all his head and shoulders shots. Uwe Boll the director of Rampage tried to crowdfund Rampage 3 but something went wrong, so he put a video out ~ "Fuck you. I have enough money to play golf till I’m dead".

Come to court, Lenny. I want to see you in handcuffs!

That’s just coincidences, right? :-)

Ole has taken the red pill - "the pair" attacking him recently ... more to the blue side.

That’s what I was thinking.

Thanks for the show. I’ve been going through these files for months now and there’s no easy way to do it. You just have to dig in for the long haul. My question is where is episode # 187? Ralph and Ruby was #186 two weeks ago.

Some words about Ole D in here: Vice News Interviews Side Thorn Journalist –

Lies .....

Love the humor.

It is basically someone calling a member out without due process. It started a mini civil war and I wont let it take any of our soldiers. If you are a family member, that should be special. I will do whatever I can to make sure our team is protected and we dont blow up from the inside out. That being said if someone goes to the darkside, send us an email and let us see what your seeing, but guilt by association isnt cool. A man must be judged by his fruit. Is it good or bad? Hope that helps. :)

Spot on !