
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." and "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." Joseph Goebbels didn’t say.

I’m glad you did these two videos (or even if it was one) I’m just a video supporter, not a vid maker. I saw a couple vids concerning Ole and I honestly thought they were in poor taste. I actually think the person/s should have talked to Ole before they made the vid if they felt the way they did. I trust Ole as much as I trust MOST of the other vid makers. I dont believe any vid 100% until I do a little searching myself.

Thanks brother and we will always support you wonderful group of Aussies , you are true blue warriors !

Excellent , thank you !

Sandy Hooker approved.


Is he wearing the same clothes in all the footage? This can’t be trusted. Prepared fake witnesses,fake victims with fake injuries can only mean one thing.

And you are very important to us all , thank you for being here brother !

Ole is a good guy and works very hard. He simply doesn’t care if he’s seen on Alex Jones if the message gets out.

I cited your complaints in my response to Lenny’s DMCA to my wordpress account of brown jacket images. I characterized Lenny as a bully and stalker. He committed perjury when 3 of the complaints were not the browb jacket images. Wordpress has always been willing to stiff-arm complaints under fair use. So far no images have been banned

Syria has been around for thousands of years before the USA. They were the next country that needed to be destroyed but they wouldn’t go down. They saw how Libya, another ancient country, didn’t even fight back and what the consequences were there. Russia helped Syria so now they are the bad guys. This really shows just how much influence and power israel has over the US GOV.

I trust you to take control. No mutiny.

Every forum I ever belonged to, which isn’t many, have turned into immature name calling crap holes. I’d hate to see that here.

No infighting here. Everyone I meet is cool with you. Attacks on the system and tech problems are to be expected.

The high cost of high youth unemployment...crisis acting for cash and the lure of fame. Of course, no mention of the hundreds and thousands of innocent people killed in illegal military actions. But, the media ignores anti war demonstrations.

If an event like this happens anywhere near me...Ill be there asking questions and telling people to wake up.

Who’s going to step up and be the leader in the streets claiming these events are HOAXES and the people who participate in the are FRAUDS. IT’S TIME FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE AND A LOT OF BULLHORNS TO HIT THE STREETS.

Our 6th came back resolved shortly after this. Only 1 more and then the 5 pack!

I was born in Heidelberg and my grandfather fought for Hitler . I get it . Thanks for all your work .

Odd. None of the footage shows him doing anything illegal. That must be why the target area showed no signs of bullet hits or blood the next day. Yawn.