
That Lucas Arts one is amazing .

I’ve caught China Cargo myself on a number of occasions over Regina SK.

Excellent ! Good find .

This fake science, the numerology gematria and this kind of BULLSHIT is what allows the enemy to label us all as crazy nutters. Science CAN be used to lie, provided you insert the wrong data (deceitfully OR as in the case of 99% of you, because you’re genuinely convinced of what you’re saying). If I show you 2 apples and ask you how many apples there are in the room you’ll say 2. I have an apple in my pocket you can’t see so you’re mathematically deceived. The problem is the enemy uses agents to do these tricks and once a BULLSHIT IDEA spreads, the genuinely deceived will push the same idea... for free and you know how the enemy uses it. Railways appear to connect but they don’t. The curvature of Earth has been calculated centuries and centuries ago. The fact NASA lies 24/7 doesn’t mean Earth is flat. The sun is a sphere and its atmosphere ROTATES around a sphere, not around a circle. RV you’re a good guy but you’re doing a lot of damage with this BS.

Excellent. Yes, they are behind ALL sexual immorality, genital mutilation, vaccines, drugs, chemtrails, pesticides, etc.rnrn

They should use clear see-thru body bags for the dead victims....

March for our LIES

Wait, how did he see Coach Feiss running in the hallways of the freshman building if he was in a JROTC room? rn

Masonry is jewish. Jews are the reptilians...they control politics/religion which controls the people. . Diana is one of the many names for the great harlot, the queen of babylon, semiramis. They constantly rub all this in the goyims face and not only laughing their butts off but making huge amounts of money in the process.

the kids from JROTC said they were covering people with Kevlar blankets, they also saw "Coach Feiss" which makes me wonder if they were the ones mentioned by that girl 8 ;12 here

Most of the team owners are jewish...if not they’re still controlled through the network channel or sponsors. Jews always kill of the smartest and best of the goyim. Then they steal and/or destroy their ideas just like in Germany after WWII. As for cancer quit eating the filth like the swine and bottom feeders. Also, get off the processed foods and you wont have tumors growing on your body.

The kids who gaslighted America, got their humble start with common core and some disgruntled teachers (and government sponsorship)

Everything Ken says I agree with 100% and still have not been presented with anything to prove he is a shill . If anyone has any evidence otherwise please let me know , seriously .

Great info , thanks !

Jacked up on ego and celebrity. I do not have a name bad enough to call him...and the cast of thousands.

I could puke. My disgust with the ops and the people who engage in them is extreme. [And who needs kevlar when you’ve got hands, books, cell phones or back packs to deflect high-powered bullets? Actually, who needs to worry about bullets at all when you can be shot multiple times and be able to leave the hospital in a few days and meet the press?]

They players make that $$ because they basically split the revenues with owners. You are comparing apples and oranges.

Do you still have a vid you made using Google view that you did on the Pulse. Could you upload it here? Thanks in advance.

Xarmy: Hogg is real

Russianvids always does great podcasts ! Thanks for sharing .