
Thanks very much!! I’m glad I asked because it showed me how little I knew. I’ve always followed videos and I followed you on Twitter the other day, not having known until then that you were even on Twitter. Now I see that I didn’t know you had a site either!! It’s been three years since I opened my eyes, but it looks like there’s still a lot of things I don’t know!! This will be a big help because I can point to someone who is putting his money where his mouth is. I was happy to tweet earlier this evening (Italian time) about this and to be able to say that no one has yet claimed the reward. It was a great feeling!! Anyway, thanks again!! Now I’m better armed, figuratively, to give correct information.

Chickenfeed and they never even blink , amazing how they just know what is coming their way financially ...

Absolutely , on our website Ole does a quick explanation on our Introduction video and there is a brief talk on the Vice Interview . * Generally speaking I usually write : ( $100,000 REWARD for proof of death in any of the 33 staged events listed at )

Couple quick things on Parkland raised suspicion. State of Florida paying for victims funerals?? I’m sure they’d be a FOIA paper trail. Also arresting officer in report did not note weapons make model or serial number very odd since those are key pieces of evidence in actual murders. Great job Side Thorn

Both !

The Governor sold his soul to become the President after Trump .

You know, that’s a damn good idea!! If it hasn’t already been done, take the ones that we can PROVE are crisis actors and, under their real names (if found) get someone to look at their tax filings. Like that older woman who’s been in at least six events and was wailing on her knees after Trump was elected. I believe that her name is known. Look, I’m not an imbecile and know that following the money is almost impossible when the gov’t is protecting someone, but it sounds like a good idea anyway.

Sorry about the first two comments that are the same, I’m new to this place. Awesome site nonetheless!!

I have a question, do you still have the recently deleted video called "SH Parents Laughing at Firehouse". There’s lots of pictures of the mcdonnells at the firehouse but there’s an ABC live coverage video where you can see Mr. Mcdonnell in HD laughing after hearing his child was shot and killed. Duping delight. This is what convinced me the shooting was one big DHS drill. The problem is they recently deleted the HD video durign the Parkland censorship brigade as did they all accounts questioning the offical narrative. ABC doesn’t have this coverage in their archives and I can not find it anywhere except in one place but it is NOT HD so you can’t see him laughing like the other video. You think you can help me find this video, or do you have it saved locally. I about had it with this censorship.

SideThorn, I’ve been following you for a while, but I need to ask, since I’m tweeting about the legislation behind this latest event and the events themselves - where can I find a video of yours that explains to the "general public" about the reward? Or should I just mention the reward every time I share one of your videos? Frankly, I’d like to start out with a general explanation and on Twitter I don’t have too much writing space. Could you please let me know? This mass movement yesterday has given me the impetus to double down on what I already do, as far as sharing and tweeting goes. I was bummed so bad last night that I can’t even put it into words!! I’ll wait for your response and thanks, in advance!!!

Please Get On Bitchute. this place wont let any1 new join. Promise they wont Kan U

$100K is chump change to these deceivers. Gofundme is much more profitable, over two million. No wonder they not interested in your $100K. Money money money, it’s so funny, in a rich man’s world.

You forgot the most OBVIOUS of footages regarding the Mcdonnells at the sandy hook firehouse. During the Parkland censorship brigade YouTube deleted the video. It was in HD so you could see Mr. Mcdonell literally laugh. He was fake crying and couldn’t help but laugh in duping delight. The video was taken down only recently, it was called "SH Paretns Laugh at Firehouse" It was on ABC news live coverag but I can not find it anymore and it isn’t in HD so you can not see him laughing. Other than the Martinez Isla Shooting actor, the footage I mention is most convincing.

Are you Stackpot? I’ve been concerned for him.

A glow of truth in the hearts and minds of some is the thorn in the side of others -- Thank you. I feel the glow.




I was referring to Sutherland Springs.