
Surely. This is major. It calls into question everything about the MSM. This was not reported in any of the original timeline.

Not allowed to share this with my YT friends, was told "this link isn’t valid"

And the narrative breaks down even further. Davy, Davy, Davy - To be a good liar son, you’ve got to have an excellent memory. FAIL !!!

It’s funny really when you think about it. A school that had been closed since 2008 due to asbestos as well as other bad things that were harmful to kids health. Yet ... the alleged parents claim they sent their kids there regardless and then they somehow got shot before the asbestos could do its job. Sure confuses the heck out of me and anybody else with a brain and logic and that’s before you even begin to look at any real evidence and the money trail. They are so angry in protecting their ill gotten gains but even Mickey Mouse has s far more believable than this fairy story. LOL

A duel?? How old is he?? LMAO A duel? How about offering PROOF like a real man would when challenged? No, a fight to the death is what you offer. PMSL Tells us all we need to know about Sandy HOAX and the Dis Honr cabal. And it’s OZNER not Pozner. How well do you know Len if you don’t even know his real name? Sheesh.

Wolf is the best

You think they will ’drop the hammer’ and then they just take away a little bit and psychologically you don’t like it but you’re ok with it because they didn’t take it all. Little by little they eat away until you’re left with nothing all the while they’re profiting from both sides along the way.

Stunningly full of shit.

Encouraging young journalists to bullshit their way through a life long career of professional lying...without a law degree.

I assume everyone knows the last two minutes of video are of the suspicious 11/2013 shooting at LAX, which is where Kevin Hogg was stationed at the time.

Why are you putting up some nonsense about a Melissa Beigel in NC? The Melissa Beigel apparently married to Scott Beigel has been a member in good standing of the Florida Bar since 2004, and is a different age that the felon in NC. the TRUTH will set you FREE!

Good catch and juxtaposition of his wildly at odds "truths". They are just rolling ahead with their plan and it seems to me the tactic they are using currently is the youth card, well played in the 60’s, and ready to be re-booted.

"Be Positive, Be Passionate, Be Proud to be an Eagle!"

the orange hair guy look like the aurora shooting hoax actor to anyone?

Ole Dammegard said that people got killed in the Las Vegas "massacre", then he made a video announcing that he was only charging $535 to download his "research files". And Ole and all the rest of you "truth community" have spent 3+ years completely ignoring the baby-eating child-gang-rape death cult that is currently operating in London primary schools, and half the rest of the city. So I am going to continue saying whatever I want, about whoever I want, whenever I want. And if you don’t like it, you can kick me off 153News.

The Sheriff said in an interview .. I don’t know anything about a fire alarm. Also ... look at the Austin bombings. The guy blows himself up inside his Nissan Pathfinder .. the blast totally destroys at least 5 windows and there’s not one drop of blood on the windshield. The headliner and visors are just fine. No chunks of safety glass on the grass or road. One LIE after another.

keep in mind that all of these scripted interviews, the highly publicized events, and ad infinitum articles were done because of care and concern for the citizens of the US and not for some insidious agenda to further degrade basic civil liberties eventually descending into complete serfdom also called Agenda 2030.

Sounds like another phony fake show. Lousy crisis actors doing time on an island with an umbrella drink.