
All of them here are corrupt ! Thanks for being awake !

Awesome work , thank you !

Yes , they are the enemy !

They are not the same Alexa. They don’t look like the same Alexa and their last names are different, Meidnik vs Kravitz

I always thought it was suspicious that they were always at the same place at the same time!

They really do find them at the funny farm!

Love it, Blue is a basement bitch.

This was back when I was destroying this HONR Network bitch making him retire from the shill game ! He was one of many trolls working with Michael Reszneki terrorizing people questioning the Sandy Hook lies , he was working on the site Sandy Hook Facts with the character C.W. Wade . He is one of many demons who now fear and worship the name "Side Thorn" . You’ll always know who they are by the way they scream when they hear those words ! ROFLMAO

No problem! He’s a B rated actor.

I hate that guy with the beard and cowboy hat. I hate him.

Yeah lets not point out that most of these shootings since Columbine have been staged. Its all about creating a police state and using arbitrary mental health labels to disarm law abiding citizens.

They recruit out of mental hospitals.

Oldie but goodie.

Wow. And lies just roll off his tongue just as easily as breathing!


How the hell was he running towards the shooter when he was taking closet interviews at 2:52? It supposedly only lasted 6 minutes.

Unfortunately it seems they are getting a lot of money from this.


How do I make my Thumbs Up register on the the screen?

Yes, these drills passed off as real are rare, but expect them to occur more frequently. Hoaxes, not false flags!