
Anyone know how to edit the title on videos? Obviously it replaced the word good with goodbye. Lol

I have seen that disgusting sellout Surfpurzel many times , she is as bad as they come . Her avatar is her in devil’s horns with her channel description pledging her atheism and proud trolling of conspiracy theorists .

Yes bigpardner, two different Alexa characters...

Looks like James Holmes but not him. They probably threw that in to rub it in.

As I have said, its passover time. If you will allow me to wash your feet and show you love I would gladly do it. But after passover is over I am gonna deal with all of you guys.

Good job on comparing story lines. The only thing we need is more info on Hogg personal life. Probably all scrubbed.

Just like walking injured towards the Pulse...

One of Vic’s associates is Surf Purzel, German accented with cleavage who is from Georgia.

Their hair style is obviously completely different, as is the hair color. The woman on the stretcher appears to have straighter hair. The woman on the stretcher appears to have a lighter complexion than Hogg on the right. Given that there could have been a substantial time difference between the images maybe they could be the same woman, but I doubt it.

Reszneki is the lowest form of trash on Earth, well that is besides Lenny Pozner and his twice dead son Noah Pozner.

LOL. More idle threats from Mom’s basement. You guys are all talk. What happened when side Thorn finally confronted one of his stocking victims? He’s still in the parking lot and yelled at the guy. Yep they’re really tough guys all right.

One cold fish!

GREAT WORK Sizzorfite

Just saw where City Bank is cutting all ties with gun makers...what’s next....gun owners. Just cut my card up! Fuck you City Bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And more and more each day . Thanks so much !

They wouldn’t give us a copy of the arrest either showing the "pastor" lied ! They filmed the whole thing .

Thanks brother and we have not finished with Google aka SATAN !

Thanks brother , one hell of a team you guys are building . I’ll take point , love it there !

You are awesome !

You are a trip , love you guys !