
Oh my word WTC scorpio so its now open season on law abiding citizens because of operation Gladio C staged domestic terrorism. Yeah lets target people because the possess a firearm and no other reason thats not a gross violation of the 2nd or fourth amendment. TruthIsSweet its something to keep our eye on there is definitely mind control with the youth generation going on unfortunately.

Will someone please do a video with all of Geri’s friends and lists on fb.

Geri Medack on FB -

Good report

So you believe that these thousands of airline pilots thousands of Maintenance workers and chemical workers and all the thousands of people that need to be involved in this conspiracy don’t mind being poisoned themselves or they don’t mind having their own families poisoned? DC how truly stupid this whole thing is?

The bunny hole is unbelievable! Nice one JG!

Thank you ole. You are looking tired in last few interviews man :/ Rest up.. Peace

Indeed you are correct JG! As comment above, we let them in with hope for a "safety" issue before we knew where it might have lead. They fooled our parents.. I remember my G-father saying all this school "in the home" visiting and people from school having last say over children was "going to lead to much trouble" He was so correct. The Amish are one of the few left who did NOT let this happen to them. Maybe a lesson there.. Thanks JG :)

It began with the schools. They got into families thru the kids. this lead to the removal of fathers from the kids in many instances. The school system is just an arm of a much larger picture. You can later history from fact to fiction in just one generation. this they have done. read a history book from the 1800-1900 and you will be in shock .. if you can find one :/ Thanx for comment . :)

This is old news. Why aren’t we talking about what is going on now?

Computer Generated Imaging (in any form, and even as implemented by even the most experienced and talented artists/technicians) ALWAYS suffers from a ’sliding scale’. The scale size of inserted objects are the most difficult aspect of Computer Generated Imaging. Look at the best CGI-enahnced movies and TV shows and you will see (if you are actually observant) that the inserted objects (dragons, etc) tend to grow or shrink in proportion to other objects or surroundings.

God bless you for supporting Conspiracy Granny & Side Thorn!

They mock us with this bullshit.

Imo, those people in the windows portrayed "workers" supposedly in the upper tower. "T- 30 minutes, start getting out of the tower before the big demo", was probably the warning to those "workers".

I believe you’re right about the the mental health angle. Certain orgs say 1 in 2 people suffer from some sort of mental health issues during their life. There was a local gathering/meeting of city officials/teachers/students/parents and police from about 7 or 8 cities of the county in my area. One of the ideas brought up was finding out what residents have firearms in the home. Gee I wonder who they’ll be asking those type of questions.

Anchor to teacher: ".. you sound remarkably calm..." Aren’t all teachers and admin remarkably calm in these events? I had teachers flip out in class because someone threw a spitball. But they don’t flip out over these shootings. At least Mormon Mason Wells wasn’t in the area 😁

Sadly most of what he says is falling on deaf ears.

They are brainwashing a new generation of minors for when they turn 18. Get them all thinking this stuff is real.

It is either a real person or a cadaver/maniquin. If real, someone used to show viewers there were workers up that high. He probably was supposed to get to safety as you mention in video by getting to the walkway.

Geri could be a she, 57, from WA. Sent you possible info.