
great video! they’re redoing the boundaries too. Very Fishy, very Sandy Hook.

The Dummy was David Hogg practicing his CNN lines

Kids name is austin, so it can connect the austin texa s bombing fearporn

Laura and Hogg probably had a meeting to set up this soap opera bullshit. These ridiculous FAKE shootings are getting beyond outlandish. New Florida law says survivors of mass shootings are to have their identities hidden by the state so they don’t get bullied or harassed hahaaa

Please look up case law for ’filing an illegal police report’. You will need an attorney to defend this and Lenny isnt gonna help you. The honr are not the cool kids club, they are traitors and again you signed againat perjury of law to Amazon. It doesnt matter if your in Washington State or Florida. Federal law works the same anywhere. Please understand I dont want to hurt you. Our brothers and sisters are in a war our lives and I have to utterly destroy your group and cut off Lennys head (legally) if there is any chance of my kids in the future. I would give the shirt off my back to anyone and I love my people so much I will take this stand. Again I am sorry if your accidently caught up with this group but I will win this at any cost. There is real protection on this side. Legally and spiritually. Save your soul and lets put these people away once and for all.

She has no friends I can see. Almost a blank channel except for a plea for signatures on some issue.

Do an image search for "Geri" and you will see that this is the feminine spelling. Geri is a she...assuming that’s a real person. It might even be Lenny himself. After all, who ever it is claims to be a friend of Lenny’s...and we know that no one would admit to that...possibly not even Lenny himself. Afterall, he is his own worst enemy. Good News.....Lenny will die someday. Or, he’ll fake his death. That would be a classic move.

I have to say that episode looks seriously staged and scripted. I think the tear a wrists would be taking the parents too, because they would be right up in it all. Not standing on their balcony. Ask who filmed this, what’s up with the portrait mode. To me this looks like little more than fear programming. Probably some charity fraud, an excuse for the politicians to babble on and create ever more intrusive laws. Not to mention collect all kinds of information when you sign a petition.

How could any college reject a School Shooting survivor? Particularly one as articulate as the Hoggler. He’s such a well spoken young man.

The entire Ingraham and Hogg feud so scripted. Pseudo politics at work.

Hang in there!. My YouTube channel is fried.

I really appreciate you reaching out to btw. Unfortunately since you filed this false report we are going to have to have you deposed by our attorneys. There is nothing criminal to this point, our attorneys just want to get some information Since you signed as a representative of the HONR network, your gonna be my number 4 person I must get into court. Please know that I am happy to leave you out of this if you are ready to come to the right side. Anyone from the HONR that can feel this ship sinking and wants to be on the side that wins, email me I am already in talks with 4 members and ex members. You guys know this is wrong.

That looks like real video to me.

Nice video!! Keep up the great work!!

So you’re saying they inserted the people, or they inserted the people and the smoke? Why would they insert the people, rather than have real people for the locals to look at?

Why are you filing fraudulent Amazon take downs on us using David Hogg’s as well aa Lenny. What is your role in the HONR network and why are you lying for all these crisis actors. Who do you work for and why are you ok letting America be locked down?

Yep, they needed something for the locals to see, and none of those people were visible just before the collapse.

What exactly is it you would like to learn about me? I’ll tell you anything you want to know! All you have to do is ask.

BUSTED: MARCH FOR OUR LIVES in DC PLANNED MONTHS BEFORE PARKLAND SHOOTING.rnDC Police: “March For Our Lives” Planning Preceded Parkland FL Shooting By “Several Months”rn

A.K.A Geri Wheeler. I haven’t made the connection yet but workin on it.