
Jason, if you really had a lawyer, he or she would tell you that reporting content for terms of service violations is not illegal, especially when it’s true. If the terms were not violated, the host platform wouldn’t remove you. If your posts are found to violate terms of service, then it’s their decision and right to boot you and send you on your merry way. Why are you so mad if you didn’t get the boot, dude? But hey, why aren’t you on Amazon anymore. I thought you said they sided with you. I noticed you mention something about an “illegal police report”. Where would that be? Is Amazon “the police” these days? LOL! You know what else your lawyer would tell you if you had one? That if your lies about shooting victims, survivors, and their families is protected speech, then so is the backlash you get from people who challenge your bullshit. See how that works?

Glad your entertained. I am having a ton of fun.

OMG! Jason! Dude! You’re hilarious!!!

I never seen that. Link?

I love it and did you notice that Vice News used one of your videos in their Parkland story. File a takedown notice on those videos.

I got nothing on you...yet but let me tell you how I see this going to do this. Once I have Lenny on the run, the HONR network is next. Cyber stalking, lying, bullying, cyber squatting, you name it. I already now have 2 people who frauduently tried to have our accounts removed. You people are just fumbling around. As I said before, its Passover right now. Man if you would turn your life to Yeshua aka Jesus, imagine your fruit. Your fruit is from ha satan. On top of passover being tomorrow, its also Sabbath. I will pray for all you folks.

Someone needs to get out more.

Hi Jeff,rnrnJim didn’t write that, nor post the video.rnrnSteve

nasty Jeff...what?

I am very greatful you have spoken up. I dont use Facebook nor have an account. I will leave that up to the 153news crew. I dropped you my email as well. Have you ever asked yourself why such a large group of nay sayers exists? Have thousands of people lost their minds and are trying to hurt people? Most of us are very good people and if your truly real, I really hope you would take a look at the facts of the case. If you really believe people died, sis, you have been tricked. What you said in your Amazon take down is now going to be something you are gonna have to fight. I have no choice but to involve you in this. Since your crime is taking part in censorship and filing what amounts to a false police report, not once but twice. When you realize Sandy Hook was really fake and what your fighting for is a coverup, if your a real human your gonna feel really bad. What you did was criminal. Please email me anytime. I have to get a PI and I have to be able to serve you legal papers when this goes down. Please understand I am going to battle you guys in Federal court and that means you will have to spend 350 and hour just to respond to this.

maybe she (anika) meant to say that 7333 kids were shoot..why not bring back jogger girl least she could have said she was jogging by the place and the f.t. shooting also.

Happy jews everywhere talking about murders by gun (using their kids to) and asking corrupt government criminals to take our right to acquire them and calling us goy all crazy. In Israel each "citizen" supposedly has the right to own a full auto rifle. I say people who gleefully murder others (Palestinians among others historically) because "holy" book says to should all definitely be disarmed and put away in a "mental" facility for as long as they live.

The fact that this video is been up for 24 hours and only has 78th views makes me very very happy

Hi Jason. I am a volunteer with the network. I joined the group because I was shocked and dismayed at the amount of emotional abuse and harassing behavior being made against victims of mass casualty shooting events. There is a fine line between freedom of expression and freedom to abuse and defame others. grieving Family members are being forced to endure emotional stress in the form of hostile confrontation, online slander and defamation, and disparagement of the memory of their loved one. This is not acceptable. I fully support one’s right to express their opinions in an open, hones, and intelligent forum. When all rationality and intelligent debate is thrown out the window and one is reduced to slander, emotional abuse, lies, misrepresentation, and harassment, free speech is no longer a valid defense. There are numerous examples of people who follow groups just like yours who have resorted to criminal acts, including violent acts. Any individual or group that incites anger and hatred against others or encourages others to escalate the harassment of victims should be removed from the public eye. There are far too many unstable and deranged people reading and listening to this type of material, masked and presented falsely as something that is for educational purposes. You may contact me at my facebook account if you have any questions, Jason.

You say that sometimes you say stupid stuff well that happens when you just make shit up as you go along. As your famous for doing. You have no idea what you’re talking about from day-to-day do you? You just want to get hits on your little video station time to hang it up and get a real career Jim

Voice of reason makes me giggle every time he pulls that my team of lawyers are going to dispose you shit. Or the my favorite we’re going to see you in court bullshit. Like some kid in his mom’s basement has a lawyer!

Voice of reason

YouTube has restored the comment section and gotten rid of the warning for some reason. Maybe a huge amount of pushback?

The dummy story is interesting but its too deniable.

You can’t spin the truth. It’s either provably true or it’s not. There’s no such thing as spinning truth. If you folks had a provable case in which the evidence stood up to scrutiny, you can’t spin that.