
The girl Alexa is intentional disinfo. She was close freinds with Meadow going back years according to both of their social media stuff.

Yeah i caught that right away also. shooting towards the exit not the baggage area. The Lauderdale one was one of the most obvious and also sickening. 100’s or even thousands of cops swarming the airport and terrorizing citizens over and hour and a half after the supposed shooting. Terrorism.

So basically I believe this is the equivilent of them throwing us scraps then laughing at us when we gobble it up.

He must have said that on purpose. Well he was told to of course. No way Hogg himself and his bosses would let him say such a contradiction. Its just intentional disinfo for people to chase which goes nowhere. Custom made for A. Jones and his people. Also its done to show that he could change his story so much but the sheep still won’t catch on.

A well rehearsed skinny chinned prick!

A well rehearsed prick?

Wish this powderpuff would make up his mind which script to use and stick to it...

Jason, those “flies” you’re referring to are just the vermin in the form of your despicable followers that are attracted to your bullshit.

My channel on YouTube was deleted. The Austin Bomber’s car had at least 5 windows blown out but you see no blood on the front windshield. No headliner damage. No damage to the visors. All BS.

Been sick for two weeks because of these motherfuckers.

Gerri Salier, Geri Wheeler, Geri Lee Wheeler, Geri L Sauer, Geri Lee, Geri L Medack, Geri Medak, Geri Lee Medack, Geri L Wheeler. I think we might be onto something.

"’cos I knew that this WASN’T another School Shooting"

I will be stalking you in court. And as I did with Lenny I just wanted to make sure this was the fight you wanted. All your buddies cheering you on will be useless to you very shortly. See ya soon.

Jason, your threats against me are just another example of the many, many, threats you have made against others who disagree with your tactics; And, for your information, your "lawyers" might want to seriously consider how sending a complaint to Amazon for a Terms of Service violation equals "filing a false police report". Additionally, while complaining about being stalked by a group, ie. Honr Network, you and your followers here are stalking me. You may want to re-direct your readers before you find yourself unable to file any type of valid complaint against anyone.

If I remember your video was used once towards the beginning and then once later on in the video

Yankee451, your first two questions make no sense to me with regard to CGI. CGI requires a both a background and objects of focus -- either aspect can be created or concealed, inserted or removed and otherwise manipulated. As to your third question "Why would they insert the people, rather that have real people for the locals to look at?" ...this is a more pertinent inquiry. The answer is ’Because they fooled YOU, didn’t they?’

Vice news is CIA but here is the link ...

What is Vice News? Do you not like it being remixed? Or is there more to it?

I got all you flies on here! You will see very shortly whats gonna happen.

i was gunna do a video on this kinda did but im glad you done the numbers behind it because that over my head.. i jus found it funny her name was yulia or you liar.. 66 and 33.. i also saw dupe delight on a statement saying for people to washing there clothes and shit.. there getting lazy with the writting lol or isit because we see throuigh the BS its getting easyer and easyer to break down .. i dunno thank the creator for the mass awakening tho :) top vid!