
Should have said possibly all.

All in all just a hollywood production.

Sorry bro. I got sparks I can feel in my head when I got X-rayed.

I never saw that but I’d like to. Anaconda did some great work with that fraud. What really gets me is all those police herding human beings out on the runway. No way all those people were in on it. And not one cop or anybody has the balls to go public with the truth. That fact says a lot.

I have said from the get go LENNY IS MANY. Its a phantom victim being used.

Right. The 21 foot tall falling man that "fell" 20 feet away from the building. Okay. Why these absurd rationalizations that attempt to equate poorly constructed video compositing and editing with real unadulterated footage exist anywhere, much less here is beyond reason.

That speech by Congressman Gohmert shows patriotic Americans what is really happening by the Leftists in congress and how their only goal is to take down the USA.

Speech given on House floor March 19 2018

Speech given on House floor March 19 2018

rnCongressman Gives Speech About Robert Mueller’s Long History Of Corruption!rnrn... Gives Speech About Robert Mueller’s Long History Of Corruption!rnrn...

rnCongressman Gives Speech About Robert Mueller’s Long History Of Corruption!rnrn... Gives Speech About Robert Mueller’s Long History Of Corruption!rnrn...

This video is the only one I could find on where I thought it would be appropriate to post what I think is a speech of a truly great, historic, courageous and brave U S Congressman from Texas, Congressman Louis Gohmert.

This video is the only one I could find on where I thought it would be appropriate to post what I think is a speech of a truly great, historic, courageous and brave U S Congressman from Texas, Congressman Louis Gohmert.

None of the footage on 9/11 was "live". No CGI planes inserted in live footage on the fly or anything so complicated. To clarify CGI: Some layers of the footage could have been actual footage of the buildings shot at an earlier time. A layer could have been real smoke recorded against a green screen backdrop or the like. The two layers are then composited, thus a "computer generated" final edit. All of it created in advance. No need for anything so dramatic as people dangling from windows in real life. The few with an actual vantage point capable of witnessing such things could be easily dismissed with the tsunami of replays. TV creates reality, not the other way around. This is the idea that fakeologists are dedicated to exposing and countering. I have no doubt that once the event was under way people with direct lines of sight were opting to stare at the TV instead of the military grade smoke obscured towers, which were then brought down in the most predictably tried and true way of imploding large structures.

Even better, the broward sheriff tweeted BEFORE Ft Frauderdale happened where the fake news staging area would be! I have that nugget saved on thumb drives and should do a video on that bs to remind people of all the fraud that exposed those liars

Maybe your ninth alias should be "Suck Medack"

Hilarious! I’m surprised he let you film him without going through his management.

It was only a tiny book. 😂🤣🤣🏆

Pretty sure you call him a well rehearsed prick in your 1st video on this. Before we knew he was going to be a major player in the PFS. It was such a fitting phrase to describe him. Brilliant!

I agree with that. Also what Sweet Truth said. Holders brainwashing dream is been realized. Gotta brainwash youth into being anti gun so in the future they can repeal or near repeal the 2nd with little opposition. And of course the money. The bill that was introduced 2 weeks before the fraud will become law and thats worth minimum 50 million a year forever.