
" I don’t plan on going back. I don’t plan on going back to school until gun control legislation is passed, to the point where every American feels safe" ?? So he doesn’t plan to graduate? Didn’t Gonzalez say basically the same thing?

Geri: why do I think you are being advised by lawyer Alexis Haller, Lenny’s, ahem, ex-brother-in-law.

Jeff reads just like the guy who called Side Thorn while Side Thorn was with deputy. ST handed his phone to deputy in the video.

Is the Wheeler name related to David Wheeler?

Don’t you wish a driverless Uber would have taken out Hogg on his bike?

Jeff reminds me of Peter Walker from HONR.

Another rockin video keep em comin

The problem is in the real world, you still have to account for your alias. These people that have multiple names. Big deal, you pay a P.I. $200 bucks and they will find these people. It doesnt matter if they arent who they say they are. We subpoena their alias and its the same thing. Once we have them in court, its on.

The names are deception in themselves. Starting with LYING Len.

You’re a gem.

Jason, I’ve said it all along - The BIG clue with these traitors against humanity is in the names. Starting with Len P *OZNER* - it’s a constant theme that runs through the core of their Sandy CROOK empire. That empire is about to come crashing down!

Ha, you *LOST* 14 times and you call that another victory? Deluded fools. You are exposing yourselves far too much - Guess what’s coming next for you excuses for human beings who only care about protecting your stolen Sandy CROOK money ? :-)

I’m sure the last 3 had a child killed because the dog sitter of my cousin’s boyfriend’s boss’ secret lover’s cleaning lady was there so it was real.

Slimey your keyboard commando fingers cramping on you? I love seeing the word Guest next to your guys’ name, but your not my guest. For some reason you kids think I am gonna be imtimidated by your name calling. You guys arent even a real threat. Fake kids, fake school shooting, and real satanists trying to keep their dads little secret. Whats so awesome about all these public posts you make. This will all be used to bring you guys down. When I can prove what you guys are up to, all of your posts will link you to this group.

I giggle everytime I log your IP and connect the dots on this entire operation. I giggle as I see a bunch of foolish kids laugh when I havent even begun. You guys have bullied the world and the world is coming for you.

You guys got beat 14 times at Amazon. You guys couldnt beat me at Amazon, or Digital Ocean, or anywhere else I am. Your laughing as your getting your butts beat in.

Oh you guys are a butt hurt gang of bullies. My conscious is clean for what I am about to do.

Bye bye Space Needle. Men in Black don’t need it.

I always giggle every time voice of reason gives me that my lawyers bullshit. You figure this guy is what 10 years old all his big talk about suing anybody who disagrees with him?