
is there a sound byte?

they were camped out at that school with interview after interview

"in previous years." That right there is reinforcing the lie he is from FL.

People just can’t stay in denial any longer surely. Top stuff !

So, like the typical schoolchild, you come up with THIS as an argument? THIS is supposed to show that you are "defending poor dead children"? By the way, I’d truly love to know who came up with the name "HONR". I guess it was supposed to be an antonym for what you really do, right? Someone obviously likes to play word games and I’ll bet it’s Lenny. Yes, that would seem to be just about on his level of fun. That is when he’s not playing spy or harassing people or threatening them. Well, good luck to you against Jason because you’re REALLY, REALLY, going to need it.

She saw jack shit? Ask Her where the firemen was . Firefighters furious they were held back for nearly two hours following the Manchester Arena bombing have nothing to apologise for and nothing to be ashamed of...

♫♬..somewhere, over the black rainbow, skin disolvents dropped...♫♬ ♫♬..well it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out, at the old Yooouuutuuuube..♫♬

Amanda Head pure classic .

Ah more children from the HONR. Your rubber, I am glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. ;) You go to war with someone you don’t even know his name. You guys lack common sense. A coward wouldn’t be squaring off with you kiddies. You guys better do your homework because this phat guy is about to end your charades. Shout it from the mountains! Sandy Hook was Fake!!!!!! Thats why we are all here. Nobody died, nobody got hurt and the cowards that are profiting are running their traps. Why are most of your IPs the same? Why are you guys running windows? You should never go to war with 0 day exploits vulnerabilities on your machines. Most of you is the same person, same house, or same network. You look like many to most but your to stupid to know there are over 60 identifiers of everyone going to 1 website. An IP address is just one of them. You guys are in trouble now.

9:03 it is David Hogg, not his sister.

You are a disgusting fatbody. Your mind as diseased as yourMcDonalds ridden body. You spawned retards due to your sickness. Whats your real name Jason coward?

What conspiracy theories? There is no crime in hoaxing. No crime - No conspiracy.

It’s even worse than you think. Ninety thousand extremely accurate measurements of CO2, taken directly from the atmosphere over the past 180 years, do not match the levels taken from ice cores. rn are currently at one of the lowest levels of atmospheric CO2 in Earth’s 4 Billion year history. Ice cores provide extremely inaccurate data on CO2. Using ice core instead of direct date misleads because ice core CO2 data is consistently low....which is why the IPCC ignores the proven data...and why their models never work. Garbage in - Garbage out.

Code Black Rainbow, LOL

FYI New York and Paris showing up in social media, is that a clue? keep an eye on this operator

Who would talk like this except a liar? How long had he lived and allegedly gone to school there that he had to "find my way to the school"? Whay kind of punk would whine about having to ride his bike "on winding sidewalks" and complain about having to ride in "twilight"? Why does he insert "as I’ve done in previous years"? He said this as if there is some doubt about him having gone there "in previous years". He is truly one sick puppy, a creation of his parents, aunt, and others.

"Because of timing. At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years."

Great job mate!