
So, it is all Hoggs and Dogs! I also nearly did not recognize Sheriff Delbert Tackitt without his Floresville Masonic chapter apron on. Strange how the none of the Masonic lodges offer up their thoughts and prayers or funding for these local crisis events isn’t it?

Vice, it’s in the name. That lovely Mr. John Podesta chappie is a columnist for the Washington post too. Isn’t it nice to know we have unbiased media? It’s just like Russia, but with adverts.

"I had to walk through bullets" sure thing lady. The only thing keeping this story going is cognitive dissonance.

That poor woman Rosanne Solis who was in the Church at the time of the shootings, interviewed on CNN must have been so very shocked. This might explain why she changed her name to Irma Villalobos (fotografia) on facebook perhaps?

Two guys in the get the drill shooters away from the building truck threw 2 towels and a red item out the window. What was that red item. Fake blood that they dripped all around the building? Also .. Walmart was on LOCK DOWN. No students were allowed in. No way Cruz went in there to buy a drink at Subway. The whole story is a filthy lie.

How are 3 women named Linda Taitz in Palm City, FL all with different ages/

yeah no signs of genuine trauma whatsoever.

We have reached cartoonish levels of hypocrisy. Speaking at Tel Aviv for gun control for the US while many israelis walk around with M4 rifles. Do they want to be hated or something?

It’s on the go pro splice app

If we all get through this Ole will be remembered as a hero to humanity.

Ole! I’d like to be Ole’s research assistant. The guy is great.

Alright Ole! When Ole Dammegard talks, people listen. Can’t get enough of this man.

yes this is a fair point truthissweet all i know is that showing him in a stoneman douglas yearbook isn’t evidence enough especially with modern digital technology. Then again he could have came in that school to take part in this psy op which might explain the excitement about the future.

Traitz? You all know better.

So it seems hogg is from california but they used that photo deliberately as disinfo. Also there was that video were a student says he is a crisis actor who is 25.

Very good work. And anybody who can’t tell within 10 seconds that this creature is lying is gotta be an idiot.

This little piggy,was in the closet ?This little piggy stayed home? This little piggy had some info? This little piggy went .Wee, wee, wee,all the way back to the School?

David Hogg is Groot!

Excellent info , love your work !

What an evil world we live in where they stick needles in our arms an inject all sorts of crap under a web of lies that it is good for us. Thankfully many are finally waking up to the damage many vaccines are inflicting upon them.