
Hampstead Cover-Up. The problem here is that the statement above is not correct. I have watch 2 videos were Ole interviews Ella Gareeva. After Gabriel and Alisa was taken away from their mother Ole point out that in one advertising video, a girl look like Alisa, If I remember it right that video come out two years after Ella lost her children. On Ole’s channel here on 153 he and Carine Hutsebaut talks about children as sex slaves and satanic rituals. Ole also mention the Hampstead case here – + Child Hunters: Requiem of a Childkiller –

We got LOTS more but are having probs putting up the longer vids, but keep checking back because I am sure after the holidays the BOSS will figure it out and there will be MUCH more and ground breaking weather research, too.

Coming from two of my BIGGEST heroes, WOW!! Thank YOU I’m still wrapping my head around what happened to you guys while dealing with spreading out off of YT and working out the tech difficulties on my comp to put my documentary out there, ASAP before the NEXT hurricane season. This world wide web of LIES we live in, HUNH?? Thank you two for being voices of truth in a sea of deception. You guys are beacons of light in the darkness. GOD BLESS YOU.

What I have heard is that Ole says that he got contacted by people that know people who died in Vegas, but when he want to know more they disappear. He also says that he had been to hospitals in different countries and looking for victims but not find anyone. He says that he is not sure about what happened in Vegas. He also say that he point out what in the story that don’t ad up and try to avoid the topic if people died or not, because the discussion be focused on only that. (I am sure that no one died in Vegas).

And what about his research files. So he is not allowed to get paid for his work. I am a member and I got very much for the money. Yesterday I received his monthly letter, very good exposing of recent events. And it is voluntary, if you don’t want to have it, you can put your money on something else.

Thank you Granny! You are also in another video I am trying to put up but STILL can’t upload long videos. Was only able to three times in one day but nothing since then... BOSS is on it, but it was Easter so I let him have time off, lol! ;)rn

Aight Lets Make This Intresting.. Keeeee Arrrrrrrr LOL

EXACTLY. Or theirs if they come for it.

employees CHOOSE to accept. Even if intimidated by threat of no work ... as long as I am ALWAYS given an opt out I will take it. IF you don’t leave me an opt out, the one cornering me will need to kill me or be killed. PERIOD. I will not be forced into vaccines under ANY circumstances and neither will anyone I love. France has mandatory vaccines. I can’t believe those sell out whores did it again- SOLD OUT TO FASCISM!! MOFOs!!!

Yeah you do nice work both in the vids and the research. Not all that’s exposed is a major find but most are still worth exposing. The more lies and frauds exposed the better.

j-Girl- I hate to say it but "hate’s a strong word". Most don’t hate them as individuals but we know who owns what and who controls what. Jews are a big part of these frauds as we all know. It is what it is. As far as israel, everybody especially Jews should hate the people in power of that place for what they do and have done. Just getting that off my chestarino.

I hope you find somebody who was outside in P.E. class. You know, running around the track, playing tennis, baseball, basket ball etc. etc. They do have P.E. at this school or am I missing something.


Psycho Killer!....Run!.Run Awaaay!

Is there anyone who goes to the drain the swamp and use the land school that isn’t trying to break into follywood??? A whole school of pre --formers.

Keep in mind that all of David’s info could be manufactured. The first time I saw the twitter post it was from someone named Laguna Beach Antifa - @LagBeachAntifa9. I thought I had struck golden proof that Hogg never went to MSDHS. But someone soon posted proof that the original post was a fabrication and showed the Hogg in the MSDHS yearbook (in a video). Then the same post outed the original poster saying something like "you forgot to hide your IP". The IP was a Russian IP. It was then that I knew that the entire twitter post was 100% disinformation meant to make the Russians look complicit and just generally muddy up the water. You can see in my video’Florida Trip 2013’ that David Hogg is, from what I can tell, 17 years old and will be 18 this year. I went through a bunch of his Instagram photos and I found one where his school friends from California said they were going to miss him. Like a dummy I didn’t screen cap it and I forget the date. But I think it was last year or maybe 2016. If that Instagram is indeed Hoggs it means that not only is he a horribly spoiled little brat but a pretty damn good photographer for his age. The video his auntie (Elaine Hogg) had up on her YouTube channel has been removed by the user. That was after I posted it and exposed her thanks to the findings of Snafu Bar. It looks like Elaine helped run this psyop. David Hogg has an autographed picture signed by Obama on his Instagram. Instagram: d_m_h_photography

I hope a little deeper meaning was seen here. I know its made to be funny, but hear finkstein and read the cards. It IS an agenda from way back! Peace

Read the description before posting some nonsense to ME! Its a fkn mirror video!! From my drop box, sent to me. Peace

Agree truthsweet/Zombie. Have seen new things since this went up to consider as well. All will come out.

Bob, I dont mind the comments but read the description! And if you going to come and spam/troll my uploads with piles of post, I am going to delete them all. Just make point in one post or GFO. If you got some evidence to refute this video, post it. Manufacturing is what the media does. Look up word scrub while you working this out