Comments much of these images are CGI ’tiling’ -- duplicating and layering sections of crowds -- to make 100 people look like several thousand? It’s done for the big and little screen all the time!

Whatever Movie Magic (and TV) uses to entertain us is also being used by the controlling powers to oppress us. How can people watch this (or ’Avatar’ or ’Gravity’ or ’Game of Thrones’ or ’Saving Private Ryan’, etc, etc) and not realize it?!?! SMH

Dam excellent stuff.


Very clever. Sadly they’re not being condescending enough for it to effect me. I shall continue to watch stuff that is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

nothing really makes sense anymore.

Spot on.


Good morning,rnIn reference to your inquiry concerning the March For Our Lives Demonstration, here in the District of Columbia on March 24, 2018. MPD received a permit application several months prior to the actual event, and there was several months of planning for this large event.

What app is the song on ?

great effort

Very similar to this:

....great editing

Girl says it it was really bad , and then right after gives a huge smile . Such bullshit . The more I hear that chick talk , the more disgusted I get .

Great job!

Obviously there were actors and dummies on the floor , if anything at all . Which is why they tell them not to look down . It also helps them create more fear using the same kind of strategy horror movies use , or used to use . The not seeing the big scary things is sometimes much scarier than actually seeing it . Like with the movie Jaws , if you’ve ever scene the making of it and hear how they were very unhappy that they couldn’t create a better working shark , so they could only show short clips and not show the shark nearly as much as they had planned in the script . It turned out working way better not seeing the shark that much .

Wait ......................... WAIT a fucking minute .................................... that’s altering and interference with a crime scene by moving bodies like that . We know it didn’t happen anyway , but still..............................

You forgot to copy the video description: rnHow perfect I get to post this on April fools since the media really is a joke on the world. This is a mirrored video I ran across that is posted on several channels, (so I do not know the source or I would give them credit) that shows how the media is scripted and controlled. How they say the same things. How they guard their illusory integrity with lies and are all owned by the same large corporation. It’s becoming too obvious that what we perceive as news is not news at all. It’s sensationalized bullshit used to push a agenda of social engineering and control that favors the those who own and control such agencies. It’s hard to believe these people shamefully feed us fake news while trying to define it. It would take an extreme amount of gullibility to believe ANYTHING the mainstream media says in this day and age.