
Love it "Another One Bites the Dust" rn

At 15 minutes Ole addresses shoes in these hoaxed events. The films Big Fish and Wag the Dog, both about hoaxes, lies vs truth have shoes as significant elements, both films with laces tied together, flung in the air left hanging. Odd.

Boom!!! Great video brother!!

I love your videos!! More truth , the way I like it!! Your outstanding , keep it up

Did you record the call?

Omg we have Eden ’Hebron’ mentioning her AP holocaust class! Can the symbolism be any more obvious!

Keep up the great work!! Hogg is trash!!

In the Parkland yearbook, you only see one pic. They should have shown other proof of other yearbook pics of Hogg at Parkland. We have shown his elementary schooling in CA. That pic of Hogg in Parkland yearbook could be his actual pic from Redondo Shores. It comes down to is Hogg around 20 or closer to 25 according to vid of Hogg’s debate partner. It would be nice to know name of his debate partner.

Her eyes is in construction mode.

I called Walmart the day after the fake shooting. This lady told me the store went on LOCK DOWN. The students had to stand outside to call their parents. (less than 100) NO WAY Cruz got in there to buy a drink at Subway. If he was in there by some miracle .. HE COULDN’T GET OUT.

Mae Brussell: ’Charles Manson Was a Patsy’... Even better. The Sharon Tate/Charles Manson hoax stood for over 40 years. Project CHAOS – a Success Story with Mock Trials. Charles Manson haven’t spent a day in prison. People living in Santa Barbara maybe have meet a guy that look like Charles Manson. That guy they thought looked like Manson, may actually be him! –

NOLA!! This was my first interview with you and we haven’t shut up since! Thanks for all you do!

Great work!! The thing that I notice in EVERY SINGLE interview at every single drill is that when the supposed witness /victim retells the story, they ALWAYS speak of what happened in the PRESENT TENSE. Always!! It’s never "So we locked the door and ran to the desk and hid under it." Instead - "So we lock the door, run to the desk and hide under it". Always in the present tense because they aren’t recounting what really happened to them, but instead they are telling a story. The unawakened should use their auditory sense, among other senses, much more carefully.

Yeah they put out lies on top of lies then call them "hoaxes " I think to manipulate SEO Twitter and FB searches and themtube searches. Regardless he’s a fucking liar and traitor no way that punk is what he says he is. His head looks extremely unproportioned to his body and his arms.

Oh and I meant to add that Israeli citizens supposedly can own a fully automatic rifle if they want. I guess it’s OK that they have (stolen) a whole country packed full of armed psychos who think they’re chosen by god over all others and have been killing the shit out of their "neighbors" the Palestinians who were there long before said jew scum.. Hypocrisy much?! Scum of the fucking earth.

What the hell does Israel have to do with guns in the US. As if I didn’t know, but many sheep don’t realize how much our so called representatives have sold us down the river to Jew/Israeli scum buckets. I try to spread the word but it just seems to fall mostly on deaf ears. Good video.

Don’t forget the the polio syrup, flu nasal spray and a couple of follow-up boosters!

REMEMBER ... WALMART was on LOCK DOWN. None of the students could get in there. No way Cruz could have gotten inside to buy a drink at Subway & then walk over to McDonald’s. Parkland was a joke.

Ben Carson...middle name Solomon

This woman is clearly displaying deceptive body language plus she’s older than high school age. She’s over playing acting like a high school age girl. Zero emotion zero tears. Anyone with at least half a brain can tell this is pure theater. Plus she even plugged the holocaust class lol...