
Right now there are 35 entries for David Hogg for class of ’15 at Redondo Shores. Stop trying to manufacture evidence, it just makes you look silly.

outstanding! thanks for posting!

I agree! I think it’s the height of hypocrisy for these people to have gone to Israel of all places, to do this roadshow. I also think it’s very telling that the only foreign country that they’ve visited, that I’m aware of, is Israel. I try not to generalize either, but I agree with what you’ve said.

I try not to generalize but these zionist types are just an unholy terror to the rest of the american citizenry. Should be called TelAvivision at this point.

You Do nice work. Good Vid.

@ SNAFUBAR I Don’t know. See Jim Fetzer blog on the link above.rn

forget the ridiculous amount of gore. Enduring a mass shooting would be truly traumatizing casings would be the last thing on a persons mind.

Ms. Cassidy, please learn how to pronounce your guest’s first name! (It is "OH-lee," not "oh-LAY.") Also look up the pronunciation of "emeritus," Finally, there is no such thing as an alien abduction. You really do yourself--and especially your distinguished guests--a disservice by talking about alien abductions. Anything strange like this is due to military mischief. Same with any argument that the earth is flat; sheeeee...

I need to get one of those bulletproof notebooks I’ve heard about. The racial aspect of the story is just another division detour for the rubes to argue about instead of an actual totally faked massacre

The more they talk the deeper the bullshit becomes. NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE. Phony as a fuck Fake Show.

I know, why would it be bullets? If anything it would have been empty casings, but I’m sure she’s traumatized by THAT (eye roll). Out of all the things to be upset over seeing, it was the "BULLETS" on the ground? simply ludicrous! People that went thru a real shooting should be pissed off watching this.

did the park permit people clarify the date to March 13?

Monotone laxative for the ears. She’s simply repeating a story, nothing more, nothing less. She didn’t go thru any trauma or witness any bloody scene in her life. I’ve seen teenagers more upset thinking about a squirrel that they saw ran over.

yep! Check out the video I just uploaded. She’s connected to the DOJ, and we know they fund all of these crisis actors and fake BLM protesters.

Wow! I didn’t know that! I’ll have to check that out. Maybe that’s why half of Congress is also an Israeli too. Gabby Giffords, Jew and Israeli, pushing the anti-gun agenda too while she buys up big ’ol "assault rifles" as they call them.

The story changed too. First he shot up the door, then the police had to break it down. It’s a self-healing door. I’m so fed up with these contradictions, and people are not remembering past yesterday when they hear them repeat these ridiculous and ludicrous lies.

Wal-Mart was part of the hoax. They had a big Wal-Mart truck helping to block the side-roads during the drill. You can see it if you go back and watch the footage from that day.

Maybe I should have that song for my last music pick for my next few videos. Be sure to check out the video I just uploaded on another crisis actor. Just as tearless, and less believable with all the duping delight on her face, but a major connection to the DOJ.

Thanks! I made another one today that you’ll appreciate. I’ve got a lot of stuff downloaded, and it’s just time before I expose all of these shills.

Well most awake people hate the Jews anyways, but hopefully the NRA-loving sheeple will wake up IF they ever saw this traitor speaking in Israel! The Fake News won’t be showing that on the Tell-Lie-Vision Programming. This hoax is jammed packed full of the jews that it’s almost too easy to make the connections.