
Her story-telling is ’kinda like’ diarrhea!

Of mice and men. Do they ever show the mice with cancer? KDKA Pittsburgh, who proudly backed Shanksville bs story. I never follow these cell phone cancer scares.

Excellent video. The structure of the video and the lie within a lie of the holohoax and death camps is the same method used in all these hoax’s. They hit you with a big lie then develop many lies off of that. Like in these fake shooting hoax’s...the multiple shooters, or the shooter had mental health issues, posted something anti-jew on social media, or they had child porno, etc... On and on down the disinfo rabbithole that way no one ever questions the original lie.

I had an old-style 3g flip-phone that is about 4 years old. I refused to upgrade to a smarty-pants-phone....Instead I decided to get rid of cell service completely last month. How did people survived before cell phones were available?!? The truth is, I don’t know how minds and bodies and humanity in general will survive WITH them.....

Agreed, Uncle.

Right on. I can and have been watching them alot!!! It is indeed scary. btw, I used to use SixorPhyt as old YT name. lol cool one..

People also watch "rockets" go into "space" and think it real. There is much more going on that can be said or shown in a 5 min video. Its very fkn disturbing to say the least!

Stay tuned. If you can handle long videos, have a few in the works with .. well MUCH much more. :/

Over our dead bodies .

Just looking at the parents standing made me sooo sad. what have they done to us?

One of your best !

Could very well be the case.. ;o)Anyway it reeks to high hell..

Tx! :o)

So we have a participant in the Bataclan hoax, Eagles of WTF, criticizing participants of the Parkland hoax. Is he acting on orders just to create confusion or trying to redeem himself? Since the Bataclan hoax probably had the purpose of building political/public support to invade Syria, perhaps the idiot rockers were fooled into thinking their participation was more a patriotic act more than an anti-gun hoax per se.

F**k ! I can’t believe she just said that. Well I can . People who play these video games, I just can’t get my head around it. What’s missing from your lives ? The World is your oyster, but your futures your clam.

Add newspapers to this.

Nice one...

Hee Hee brilliant !

2 Samuel 11:27.But the thing that David had done was evil in the sight of the LORD.

I’ve had enough of reading things. By neurotic, psychotic, Young PIG headed Stoneman Douglas high school politicians.