
Keep them coming JL

That happens sometimes. Like when a person has died but their info is still on internet with current age as if they were living. Sometimes there are multiple accounts with different ages due to account updates.

I respectfully disagree.

Great show.

Great show.

Wow!...... Randy.

To the guy below me, you are 100% correct.

In order for his trail to be solid they would of had to insert Hogg into the family trees of his aunts..cousins...grandparents... I don’t think they did, they just created the Name and an address in parkland, but he is missing from his family reports. So I don’t think they were thorough when creating this Hogg family there are missing connections in his tree.

Something ain’t right about Hogg. I have been looking for his family tree and I notice he has a parkland address with his name, but when you search his parents Rebecca boldrick and Kevin Hogg there is no David Hogg in either of their relation list. I think davi d hogg is an alias. All of his closest family relations have no mention of him in their reports. Closest I find that fits is a Vincent Gonzales, age 27, with Kevin’s address in Mission Viejo. Vincent lives with Jennifer Gonzales, age 30, from WA. That could be Hogg and Emma at Kevin’s place. I’m still digging...

My God I’m 63 years old and yes I do know all of these mass shootings are faked but these young people have zero moral compass along with very willing parents especially those crises actors who are underage [not in her case]. I realize these faked events have been going on for a very long time such as Kent State faked shooting (1970) or the Manson Tate faked as hell event as well. For an soon to be old timer I’m up to speed. Oh! Almost forgot NASA fake the moon landings I realized that by the late 1970’s. Sorry for going down memory lane but I will say this the level of propaganda that is being shoveled out is at a level I’ve never seen in my lifetime. Keep up the great work!

They still shilled for the fake shootings and advocated for more police at school and arming teachers which isn’t needed because no one is shooting up schools. The agenda clearly is more police more security more control and to get these kids used to a police state.

How long, Oh Lord, how long do we have to be subjected to crisis acting?

Jeffersonian Girl....How do you know that the paymaster is DOJ?? And what is a BLM protesters? Thank you!rnrnrn

I am wondering if there is another adoption in this story, seems like a theme.Check out the FOTM forum

I may be showing my age [63] but what level of nonsense do they tell these kids [Yes I know she looks closer to 22 or 23] to justify in their minds to spew this absolute fairy tale lies. If their parents are encouraging this level of behavior then they are "pimping" their own children for money especially those child crises actors who are underage. Nothing more than child abuse.

With the Clinton/SOROS backed organizers anything is possible

Guiffords and NEA/Unions are some of the organizers of the whole event FOTM also also check out their coverage of the Emma is a cousin thing

Brilliant as always

In closing what I see happening is a turf war between elite families [trillionaire’s] that has taken up sides as to who controls America. I’ve labeled the CIA/FBI as the Old Guard and the Up Starts controlling the multiagency DHS. The tip off for me was the Sutherland fake as hell mass shooting when a crises actor stated the shooter was on top of the building shooting through the roof. Even the most dumb crises actor is not capable of coming out with that nonsense. This was planted – in my opinion – by the CIA/FBI as a means to “out” DHS staged event. David Hogg and Anderson Cooper [Old Guard] have been tag teaming the outing of DHS by their absolute absurdity.

Finding out David Hogg’s real identity will be a bit of a challenge as our Intelligence services have now stepped up their game due to all of the search mechanism available on the internet. However “shooting the odds” David Hogg [or whatever his real name is] is most likely a rich kid who has graduated from a top flight prep school and possibly recent graduate of an Ivy League University. Why? This is standard operating procedure for recruitment from our many different intelligence services.