
I know! Not just one, But TWO! One went to a coffee shop. At least they were kind enough not to drip blood everywhere!

It made my morning. That was awesome.

Thorn showed the mass grave with dirt piled next to each other in shallow makeshift memorial. No decent cemetary would do that. They wouldn’t allow like twenty people to be buried a foot into the ground , on a 20x20 plot, off to side from other plots in some random part of a field. These guys are morons if they think we believe that was real.

No, they just used sidethorns passion for truth to make him seem aggressive. while never doing joirnalism and representing the facts themselves. Vice is not joirnalism it is entertainment and agenda driven counter intelligence like all media is now.

Vice is owned by Time, I believe. It’s hard to find video , or magazines that aren’t controlled by the same group of zionists that control all media. Vice has shown themselves to be hard on truthers and soft and fluffy on the actors and trolls. Vice is just another mouth of big brother.

As far as I’ve heard from the fakestream media, 4 people were injured, nobody died (except the patsy), one of the injured has a sprained ankle. rnWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Hoax alert for sure that trauma surgeon is ridiculous.

Funny Wade says the death certificates and birth records are there, yet they can’t even show one of them. Not even a screenshot in his troll cave. Pussy was hiding behind a blurry patch too. All the pastor had to do was prove a death happened. He couldn’t. Fuck these liars, now that I know the pastor is a moloch worshipper the deception is obvious.

I can manufacture and print out garbage myself , but of course the state of Connecticut can be fully trusted huh ?

Expect a hoax designed to have a truther attack and harm a crisis actor. Cw Wade just put that out there. Total set up on side thorn, pastor was waiting in the car for you, it was all a set up. From this, to vice not interviewing or asking questions to the Hogg’s, but just allowing their symbolism and narrative to seem truthful and like they are saints. Vice is just as bad as Cnn.

Nice one AML x

Unprotected sex. All these children represent what can happen. Forget AIDS and herpes. This is the real threat. A generation of useful...possibly useless....slaves, hopelessly in debt for an education comprised of false history and cultural Marxism. Brilliant!

I demand all gov forms be changed from, male/female to circle one if these, biological sex: male female. Preference: male female

Nut jobs are the mind-controlled who shill for these passion plays for madness. You’re pitiful. We’re not offended by claims we’re mentally ill. We’re way past that lame tactic. side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny are the sanest of the bunch. You couldn’t match wits with these two. For what are you fighting, deception and evil? Your spirit is mired in lies and death hoaxes.

I don’t think that anyone should tiptoe around ANYTHING. I clearly said that I was NOT present and that I might have been pretty angry myself. I’m not judging anyone, just giving my impression as everyone else has done. Do we want an echo chamber here or are we free to offer opinions? Personally, I’ve got an enormous amount of respect for SideThorn. He ACTS for me and all of us, instead of just talking. I don’t live in the US anymore, so I depend on people like him and like Conspiracy Granny to get out and tell my truth too. My comment meant no disrespect to SideThorn. Were I in the US and about twenty years younger, hope I’d have his courage. You’re very mistaken if you think that I believe in tiptoeing around ANYTHING because if I did I wouldn’t have written how I really feel, but would’ve said "great job" and kissed his a**.!!!

Dude no kidding. The wife and I were moving a couch the other day and she pinched my arm between the truck and couch and I was swearing up a storm. These people lose half their bodies, have RCAS (Rapid Crisis Actor Surgery) and they are walking in 3 days. These people have mental toughness that really defies logic.

No mercy is right.

The black doctor couldn’t stop busting up. Always something funny.

There are no bodies in those "graves". There’s no DNA to match. The victims were simulated.

This was the plan all along! They did the same thing at the airports, and they will get away with it. They can thank crisis actor David Hogg-Wash also. These kids want to take away guns from law abiding citizens, and now they get a taste of having their freedoms taken away. Karma’s a Bitch!