
im standing in my hotel window and its a very grey day.. a very grey day for the world chris... peter you added nothing Lolol

I feel your flames of righteousness Side Thorn. They Fear you.rnI would still be interested in discussing it with you on youtube but really I am just looking forward to how they handle this can of worms they just opened with this stunt. Good work. I support you 100%

Couldn’t make 5seconds, the sight of such unsightly hoggshit talking shit, when shit is all he kwows. Well it was nothing but an overwhelming pile of shit. The agendas coming out of this are many. This kid has to be getting coached and prodded in this role. Obviously destined for journalism as garbage rolls out of his mouth continuously. So I guess with school and all, he’s just taking a break. Little road trip to relieve the trauma. Not going back till it’s safe, lol. He is supposed to be a student right. Even made a video at school during the shooting. I mean rode his bike to school, when he heard something was going on at his school. Something like that. Something like 2,3, or 4 of his sisters friends died.

ROFLAO! My kids saw her photo on the Sheriff’s twitter this morning when it was up on my computer, and they both died laughing before I knew what they were looking at. I have smart kids. They both said that she looked like some robot in the photo, which she did, and the picture looked like it came from the time period of the Little House on the Prairie show. I said they were close, but the show is a little older than those pictures (and this stupid video). This stupid PETA article they cited was from 2009, and I found the article. BUT, take that link and go over to the Wayback Machine and in NINE YEARS, NOT one single capture of that story on their web crawler system? More BS!

Please keep linking your 153 vids through YouTube, not subbed on here and don’t want to miss your stuff

It’s Pavlovian Propaganda! SMH

The "witness" at the end belongs to a different hoax. They may just keep various clips of "witnesses" and someone tacked on the wrong one. :)

Got a link to pic on this?

Returned before I wrote GREAT VIDEO AMC!!!

There is more security at YT and Google than trying to get on a military base.


Quite a bit of code in that name. Nasim is 14 for 77 in Chaldean Numerology (CN). Aghdam is 34 in English for 7, 25 in Pythagorean Numerology (PN) for a 7 and 18 in CN for 666. Boom is 45 (15, 15, 15 for 666) in English. Three is a popular hoax number! All adds up to BULLSHIT!!!!

Why would a bungee cord be with tools? How long is a bungee cord....too long to wrap the leg to apply pressure. "I think it was the left leg...."

Two different people.

I made it. 👍👍👍👍👍👍

She could nurse a third world country. The boob UU who shot YouTube.

Lol would you like a mocha latte with your shoot foot.

153 users believe YouTube HQ shooting was ?

Totally believe that I have worked in a big corporate building before the security it tight we had a security guard and security doors. On 911 they Evacuated the building and then for a month after they had national guardsmen carring M-16s protecting the building.

Story three. The shooter sure looks like David Hogg.