
Sorry for deleting The Fraudacity!’s post. I meant to reply with at least you knew what TV News were like when they were telling the truth.

....later; what is a hijacked airliner and how does it crash...

Thanks for the upload. Love your work.

HAHA that’s like when they used to guilt you by saying "don’t throw that crust away, it could feed a whole village!"


Exactly..... Similar situation, I worked at IBM a long time ago & you couldn’t even go to the bathroom without badging out.

There has to be some hidden messages in those scripts. They’re just too nonsensical for them to want this out on every news station across the country. They’re dumb scripts with no real meaning to the story they’re leading into. Back masking maybe? There’s quite a few out there like this

Waiting one day for Musk Hospital. Or Bezos Hospital.

Definitely from the same production.

For as long as I still have a YT channel I will 👍

Not to be a kill joy [enjoy the pun] unless you have gone to the prison personally to see if Leslie VanHouten is there I don’t believe a word even back then from the main stream press. I don’t have the time nor the space on this thread to explain but Miles Mathis has done wonderful work outing these propaganda events.rn

"Dr. Andre Campbell has been identified as specializing in general surgery and has been in practice for more than 33 years."

$75 million dollar donations can have an impact

Two words: Zuckerberg Hospital

it’s CIA propaganda platform google/youtube running psyops to justify their year and a half "cleansing" of youtube channels that expose their globalist psychopath masters- and pumping more gun grab FAKE NEWS mind control and FEAR PORN...rnsimple as that.rnrn

Vid not available in US. What does that video have to do with YT shooting and and Hogg?

Nothing to add to what I just said. Keep it in mind at all times. Keep those 3 words in mind (and nothing else matters).

Was David Hogg the shooter at Jew Tube?

A robot... exactly! They were dead on! A non-existant-in-reality, world’s-longest-neck-record-holding, "person" to take the "fall" for the victim-less pseudo bullshit fantasy spectacle.

Outstanding! All it takes is a little inside info, a phone call or a few seconds of video exposing a mistake and the whole event falls apart. Organized outdoor protests at TV stations or a member of congress’s home office may be the only way to stop the madness.