
Help me understand this

This witness also very clearly describes the cops taking out a "male" person, but not clear if that was the supposedly culprit. Video from ruptly:

@ cidereye:

Well done Side Thorn, you’ve made every truther look like a foul mouthed dangerous lunatic. Everybody say thanks. Next they’ll start putting people in jail just for making videos and the justification will be what they’re saying at the end of the video. What’s worse Side Thorn seems to think this is the way to go. I can understand being frustrated at injustice, but this is not how you are going to win. This is how you are going to lose.

Fascism. And the sheeple are still clueless.

Is the official story still that 4 people got wounded and that the culprit committed suicide? Because that witness from the previous video from TheVoiceofReason was talking about how "the second guy" unloaded non stop into the first one. Doesn’t sound like suicide to me. And who’s that second guy anyway? Wasn’t it a gun free zone? Have the youtubers that were at the "party" given interviews? All I’ve seen is interviews from people who were not present.

If they can cgi the model they can cgi the shadow. Have you never played a 3D game? Get real. This is low res greenscreened video with multiple lights and multiple takes stitched together. So yeah the quality is bad. This aint proof of anything.

Btw there’s a misspelling in the outro. It says "A video to hot for youtube".

Who cares if she is CGI or not. This was jsut another fake drill/ PSYOP.

yeah something is a miss with these. Well looks like another actor though.

Guy below me, FU

What was the video about?

How can they suggest that my video is pushing some kind of falsehood ? Lol . You watch the video and you see Hogg himself talking about becoming an actor !!!! Lol . So with just that right there , we’ve proven Vice is lying . Thanks Vice .

no dirty Robert what gives you a chubby is raping children you god damn son if whore cunt.


NICE !!!! I saw my name on HBO . Lol

Fucking Reszneki . Lol . We know it’s you because like the fucking retard you are , you fucked up your name and forget the apostrophe . Lol

Wow ......................... this RobertCoward is so obviously Reszneki . I catch him every time because I know the type of things he writes . Also , his fake JewTube accounts so damn obvious too . The fucking retarded serial troll Reszneki uses his stupid sock accounts to talk back and forth to himself , to kiss his own sorry ass .One of his favorites now on there is Michael Bastas , where he uses some kind of ancient Roman soldier headdress for his channel logo .

2 questions: how far back in time did her "social media presence" go? And why do her breasts go from very small to very huge?

Bill Maher had something to do with starting Vice up . I think he was or still is an executive producer for it .