
Whoever does these type of videos always goes too far. They find the person but then they stray way off course showing people who clearly arent them. But we did find out she is an "activist". Just another regular high school kid.

Wow .................... what an obvious and totally fucked up set up .

Awesome! Was BUSH an acronym, or?

I can’t believe people fall for this shit hahaaa this one takes the cake. Why do they make these fake shootings so outlandish??


Fake News "Realm". That’s a new one. So it’s a realm now, and not just a media-created loaded buzz-word?

They’re already here me reckons. I’m pretty sure things like this YT fake-bitch and all the other crap (particularly NASA and SpaceX "f**k-ups") is deliberately bad for a reason, to make what’s already going on seem like less of a possibility. Cheers!

Quick close the perimeter around the carls Jr. so we can have it to ourselves. We’ll just pull some tj hooker moves act like we’re doing something but mostly just stand around and then its Carls Jr. time before we formulate a press release about how bad guns are and something has got to be done about these AR 15 super death ray rifles and you wouldn’t believe how horrible it all is when you see all the damage and terror.

They will see it when it’s too late. Hey, my own fucking father last week said he thinks everyone should have their dna taken at birth (pretty sure it already is), and then he gave the "if you’ve done nothing wrong" crap. Yeah. God knows what he’s been watching. I zipped it after calling him a Nazi. It’s like taking to a fridge-magnet.

You deserve no mercy due to you censorship on153

*It’s channel. :)

Well, I’m glad there are more that realise this obviousness. The whole thing is off, with or without shadows.

Bring on more channels dude.They had a day off? Make the buggers work for there dirty money?

I noticed lots of butterflies, cat prints and things that make me think this “person” is under MK Ultra mind control and the government used him for just this purpose. He probably believed he was that character. The CIA can control these people from anywhere in the world.

not sure what the hell is happening anymore

I got a channel shut down for a video I didn’t even upload.. Fuck you youtube.

Classic!! IRA Bomb Dogs is another good one. They don’t make comedy like that anymore...sadly. Thanks for posting :)

Jps..jesus is the English from Hebrew..SO WHAT doesnt make the lord and saviour ignorant of those truly seeeking him..ALSO SAVED BY GRACE AND HOLY SPIRIT FILLED...THE VID IS POPPYCOCK..LOL..get a grip

gun drops to boost gun violence stats just like what they were trying to do with fast and furious.

Also, the (((media))) goes into a trance over both whenever certain dates occur.