
2 things you will find in every major city. Street named mlk and a holocaust museum...both for the same reason. Michael King was trained by kgb at highlander folk school.

Now they are gonna shoot one of their own crisis actors to seem they were right. Anarchy is coming.

Female impersonator to portray a fabricated character. The cia must of spent many hours making these wacky vids. That squirrel is going after them nuts. Menifee is a feminine man. Nasime sabz is green breeze. All the witnesses were off yt property even though the shooting happened inside of yt. The wacky doctor can’t even afford dental care. He mentions mass shootings but this wasn’t a mass shooting. Nobody died. Nobody even got shot. Possible mk-ultra victim with this shit supposedly happening in that area of california. cia does comedy too.

Also , I meant to write " that’s " , not " thatq’s .

GUN case . Sucks that you can’t edit comments on here .

Jeffersonian Girl : Huh ? You must truly be a girl with a dumb comment like that . Lol . They don’t keep their rifles in a gin case in the car , you moron . There’s a sort of holster between the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat that’s hold a rifle or shotgun. This has been shown in many movies and TV shows and real life video footage on certain TV shows . Thaqt’s one major DERP moment for you . Lol . Keeping it in the trunk would slow down police response and is seen to not be that practical in the U.S. . I guess it work for the U.K. though , but they have way less gun crimes , so they don’t need such easy and quick access to the weapon .

This video give me a flashback to the comedy movie " Showtime" with Eddie Murphy , where Shatner plays a spoof of himself and tried to demonstrate how hood jump - jumping on the hoods of cars . Lol

One should not post under the influence of alcohol? However I will try? rn If you give this Plastic bird a big bite on the neck. Will she go down on you? When I say I don’t drink alcohol and post people laugh and take the piss.

haha creepy.

YUP , those were definitely fake boobs . It was something IT was wearing or some kind of CGI IT did .

RFK president and MLK vice president = a dream team. Remember RFK – the arrest of mob guys increase with 700 percent.

A bodybuilding channel , and " guy " , not " guys " . Sucks that there’s no editing comments on here .

Hey do you also have bodybuilding channel on JewTube ? I found a channel the other day and the guys sounded almost exactly like you and I told him so in the comments and he liked my comment . I’d have to look through my history to find what channel it was . If you respond and want to know , I’ll check for you , brother .

Right, you can get a temp pass for a day. Your with the person your there for at all times. You never see anything really cool. Yes they have guest parties all the time. They are all still controlled and you just can’t walk in.

Uncle Alice. Super video about the Jesuits by Jesuits; Rulers of Evil. Part I (2):

yeah she also does a video with star of davids behind her. eye roll. gimme a break on this fakeness.

For whatever it’s worth ...................Plasma Burnz said he followed her channel .

When CGI’s run amok, illusions are shattered.

We are doomed, a jewish rabbit.. Let the breeding begin. lol .. You are right on with the Palestinians and the sudo jews in my area are getting out of hand with fake nonsense. We also have sudo./fake arabs.. tis fun to watch them act like jihadist till they dont think you are watching.. then they are just idiots!

I was going to post this entire video a while back. Instead I just used the intro in this- .. Thought no one would watch it. good to see things from all angles