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JG, I agree with you to a point here. Lincoln and the mess there was a Jesuit hit IMO. To much evidence to ignore that. As for the guy who shot and ran, he was a jesuit pawn. See some Phelps etc.rnAs for the children, this is a strong mother with a solid Christian background is a much different time. They dont see him as dead. When he spoke out civil rights, he had enemies but not till he spoke out against the VN war did he become a dead man. Same as all other from smothers brother etc who said anything were shut down. I watched the link you post again. I had seen it before. It does not alter my OP as to him being dead and buried.- rnThis however doesnt mean you and I are not on same team for truth. I chose the song for this especially for this video. Its not about the man but about the Dogs Of War. This IMO is what killed him, Not that he wanted equality. I will keep open mind as always. thanks for comment 👍

My last channel was taken down for a video that wasn’t even mine also.

How did the cgi girl/guy jump that fence like TJ Hooker?

OM fucking god!! that JEW MAN’S vids are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAKE what sentient being with a brain would think that was "real"???????? OMFG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

that’s a straight up MAN - a TRANNY - a JEW MAN!

That shut down started with 9/11 as far a current events. Built into the script. Zero tolerance in a sense by the ptb.

i stand with you all the way you just told it as it is and i thank you so much for that jason on top of this waking others up just dont happen one has to wake up on there own and sad truth is so so so many are a sleep and fall for all the bull out here sad but thanks again god bless

You weren’t that far off: Nasim Aghdam compared to Eerf Nosam.

We are witnessing the shutdown of honest inquiry.

RoboCop is on its way....

David Wheeler taught the cop how to carry the weapon....

I live here:

All these staged shows have the same DNA, just like all the cop shows back then. Very formulatic.

Anaconda. Yeah that’s true, but I have a theory on that.See they have destroyed and raped themselves pretty much into a corner. The corner being Syria. No Syria No Iran. There’s nowhere else to destroy without risking a war they won’t win. So they need to keep the "Muslims Want Us Dead" agenda alive with an occasional Muslim PFS but thats about it. Trump is PREZ now so it’s divide and conquer time and Gun Grab season. For that they need mostly Lone Nut White Guys.

Of course the earth is not a spinning ball.

UPS/FedEX would be going to the shipping and receiving of the building were they would have to go through a guard station to get to the receiving door.

My kids knew she was fake before I saw her picture. I had the Sheriff’s twitter page up Overnight on my laptop. When they walked by they looked over at it, and cracked up laughing. I didn’t know what they were laughing at, and it was her stupid picture. They both said it looked like a robot (CGI creation), and BOTH said it at the same time. Pretty smart kids when all they had was that stupid still image of her with her super long neck, tiny lips and 80’s hairstyle. I came over to see what they were laughing at, and when I saw it I started laughing. She is ridiculously funny!

I worked in a corporate office in the 90’s, you could not just walk into the place. There was a guard station at the entrance of all parking lots, had to show your ID to get in, guards driving the parking lots all the time. They had two entrances to the building, one for employees, one for vendors and guest. Each entrance had a set of double doors, one to walk into the other you had to be buzz into. The guest entrance had two armed guards at the first set of doors to check your ID, question why you there, than called the inline phone to the desk behind the second doors to check for appointment, phone the office you were there for. If you were approved to enter, a person from that dept would come to get you, at that time you would be buzz into the second doors. The employee entrance had the same with desk, two armed guard at the door. You had to show your employee picture ID, to be able to enter the building. Not buying this story at all.

According to one supposed witness, there was a "YouTube party" or "luncheon" going on outside at the time. I thought that sounded as if it would have been a good pretext to cordon off the area so as to stage the hoax. Also, from what you say, from a security perspective it sounds like an unlikely scenario anyway.