
That was my first thought to...i actually commented and pulled it down thinking naw...

Lithium is perfect for the continued dumbing down of the masses. You add the aluminum, barium and God only knows what else we are being sprayed with and you get a perfect combination to control the sheep!

All we have to do is show a jury of 12. Those 12 views can mean the gallows for guys like you and Pozner.

Takedowns is what that TERRORIST does for a living, no matter he’s not the owner of the copyright. rnAt some point in time he’s got to be held accountable for all these fake claims. It would be wonderful to meet Noah in Court wouldn’t it

Wow 43 views. It won’t be long now before you take over YouTube by golly. I do have to wonder though why anybody would even bother trying to get your videos removed when nobody’s watching them to begin with

Found something strange on the street view of his neighborhood. Go to the corner o Brookshire and Pin Oak. There’s a house completely blurred out. Is that at the owners request? I’ve never seen that before.

Maybe lenny is holding the camera...hehe, not sure why lenny wants this , it does have "parker" in it, maybe he thinks he owns that hoax name. Maybe people would be searching for Parker Toban, misidentified player in the humboldt crash hoax . dunno, would love to know the real reason for his attempt...

Hell, she couldn’t keep her story straight in that interview alone. More of the "I’m gonna cry..." BUT she can never cry talking about this horrific event! It’s ridiculous! Mom sounds like a real genius! Probably had to do this for $$ judging by her mom!

this usually isn’t a hospital. They’ve been busted never being at the hospital at all. So, think of it as a movie set. They are never there for days on end. They may show up the first day, and then they are wisked off to a hidden and secured part and no staff on a daily basis ever sees them. They never have family come visit either. Watch Side Thorn’s video on the Waco biker hoax shooting. They visited the hospital, and nobody at the front desk saw anyone come visit the people that were allegedly there.

And another.

Home# (910)425-6430. Cell (910)494-4906

YouTube video for voice comparison.

First channel. Sorry.

Fact is that rails do connect... you just didn’t walk far enough to see it!

Possibly another.

Youtube channel.

Make a connection with the phone number before 100% assuming he’s the one. He could have a disgruntled ex who’s using his email and a male friend making the calls. Anything’s possible.

If that is the same person you have his business license revoked for making death threats.

Sounds like they are setting up a fake "blowback" false flag and this time a very big one were people will die. Some people think it will be seattle which would make sense as its on the other side of the usa and the rothschilds could really have at the sheep with legalized propaganda. sort of like a man who is going to commit suicide anyway and gives away all his stuff, they no longer are putting much effort into these hoaxes as something huge is coming. id stock up on ammo and food and get the hell out of the usa if one could as they killed millions in Bolshevik Russia the jew murderers and lol most of these dumbass sheep think they are innocent victims ala speilburg movies and ww2 propaganda films.

The alleged school shootings in America always occur after a drill. Have we ever asked why that is so? I believe if the drills are stopped the alleged shootings will also stop. These drills are staged events filmed as if they are real but they are not. The final reason for these staged shootings is to use new mental health laws to arrest anyone who does not agree with government policy on any issue. Americans worry about Russia or China attacking, but you do not care about your children being terrorized by your military and police? Wake up the government has you under a spell, they want to take away all your rights and freedoms. Don’t let them. Stand up now and demand that all government-sponsored shooter drills in schools be stopped.