
No worries I called the guy another 40 Times last night

Dying Twice. Yes, it is Alison Parker – ’killed’ at live TV 2015 in Roanoke, Virginia. She also got ’kiled’ in Las Vegas 2017 under the name Rachael Parker. As you know – you only live twice. (Noah Pozner got killed 2012 and 2014). I listen to Jim Fetzer today and he says that Alison Parker dad was a proffessional actor. I guess her father is Andy Parker. The most famous Parker is the Sandy Hook guy Robbie Parker. His wife is Alissa Parker that has a very similar look as Sherri Pomeroy. It’s a small crisis actor world!

You can have your home blurred out on Google.

The name " Lenny " is pronounced as " Lenny " ............................ NOT " Linny " .

ONE globetard respond to that . Totally sucks that we can’t edit comments . There’s another small typo too where I typed periods , but for some strange reason when the comment posted , it showed - r n

Since you don’t pay a cent for, let alone the 3k a month bandwidth and hosting bills we get, who are you to even come at me like this? Your WTF comments on here have annoyed me but I let them fly. And now you come at me from inside. I don’t think your the right fit for It doesn’t matter who I use, when I use it, or what mode of operational defense or offense I am in. You don’t have a clue what happens on the backend, all you know is that the site comes up. You have no idea how that happens. How it happens is having bounce boxes all over the world and I go to whatever bounce box I choose when I want and how I want. From what I read, the way your attacking shows me you are not with us.

You are NOT a real truther then . I think flat earth separates the weak from the strong , and you my friend are obviously weak . Lol . If I put a cat in a room with a bunch of dogs , does that make the cat a dog too ? Lol . According to your false sense of logic , the answer would be YES , that makes the cat a dog . Or we could put a dollar bill on the table and put all sort of round coins around it ........................they’re both MONEY ,if all those coins are money and round , then the dollar bill must be round too because it is also money ....................... according toy your delusional logic . Lol . Other " planets "SEEMING to be spherical simply because they have a round shape in no fucking way proves earth must also be a sphere . Lol. That is one of the dumbest points globetards try to make . Why would earthy be different ? Well consider this ( because you very clearly NEVER have because you lack the mental capacity to do so , Lol ) is very VERY different place than all those others , as far as we know ( not the bullshit GUESSES we see from NASA and other retarded groups ) , so then why should earth look anything like the other so-called planets we see ? I have yet to see on globetard respond to that , Lol . They pretend like I never stated it and go back looking at prior comments to mention a failed point they already talked about or just move on to more extremely flawed logic . rnYour comment reminds me of a scene in Enter the Dragon where Mr. Hahn tells Mr. Roper ( John Saxon’s character ) " So ...........there IS a point you will not go beyond " . Lol . Meaning - You clearly have some mental block that will not allow you get all the way into truth . Maybe you are just too damn old to get it . Lol . I wouldn’t think so with a name like you use , but I guess some old person COULD use a name like that , trying to be cool with younger generations . Lol . I only say that because your writing style seems like that of an older person . Nothing about flat earth contradicts what we observe ................. NOTHING rnrnrnNOTHING .....................................NOTHING .................................NOTHING rn( insert clip from OZ when Said joins Adebesi ................. Lol ha ha ha ha ha ha )rnrnNOTHING

Good for them to try to avoid ww3 and another would be to stop doing false flags on their own citizens. You would think they would have learned from the genocide of millions of white christian russians by khazarian imposter jews a hundred years ago. Its clear its what the neo bolsheviks plan here in the usa. the sheep are headed for another slaughter here in the usa unless they wake up.

Yes he is , pure pussy . Thanks WTC Scorpio and TheTruthIsSweet for all you do and all your support !

That is why we must all stand together when attacked , just speaking out here has shown the enemy we are united . Thanks so much for being awake !

Great job!

So tell me something Jason ..................... this was 2 weeks ago and you claimed you were not using Amazon anymore for this website , but you just posted a new video today where you got another take down notice from crazy Lenny that shows you are STILL using Amazon . WTF dude ?????

Thanks brother , then we can point to this shill bitch as an example the next time one dares show it’s evil face !

Yes sir and we are all going to make an example of this "Reszneki" !

And if you watch earlier videos, they attacked amazon when we weren’t using them. I defended their as well. Very suspicious comments by you. I appreciate your attack.

His "forever gonna haunt you" bullshit sure ended quick !

Damn good work guys , boy this bitch is going to regret attacking a 153 member ! Anybody ever fucks with any of us please come get me !!!

On any given day we will use as many bounce boxes as we choose. Today I am using Amazon. Are you part of the opposition that keeps trying to take us down or why would you care? The network is far more complex than I could ever explain to you and frankly I don’t think I need to explain anything to you. Regardless of our bounce boxes, be it Amazon or Dhost, or whatever, nobody will ever find the real server.

We are making him a flyer of his own with all his nasty comments , personal information and links to the videos here . The flyers will be plastered all over his hometown , specifically his neighborhood , shopping districts , churches , family members , restaurants and of course place of work . This one needs to be made an example of and once we find a person in his hometown who can do the job and film the entire thing , the example will be made .

Jason , you told us you had already moved on to one newer service after Amazon and then to another after that . WTF is up ?