
TheVoiceofReason : Why did you LIE to us and tell us you were not using Amazon anymore for this website , WTF dude !?!?!?

You damn right Jerry ! Tell Bill sorry for attacking his troll so rough on his video comments , just really pisses me off seeing one of you guys trolled , especially here on 153 . Thanks so much for never doubting us brother .

Awesome , they need to feel a little justice for their crimes against the innocent , every call says we won’t tolerate their abuse .

I thought you weren’t using Amazon anymore , WTF dude !?!?!? Why did you LIE to us ?

Get ’em ! Thanks so much and we need to make an example out of this one ...

Yep !

Thanks so much Zal Moxis , your words of support are more than you could know !

We make an example out of this one . All incoming threats are being recorded and forwarded to the family attorney .

Excellent work guys , I think everyone in his little world needs to know of his online terrorist activities ! Thanks so much !

well if we aren’t any trouble for your kind why don’t you stop trolling the comments. Since we don’t matter and all. Or is it that we are hot on the trail of something that you fear getting out? Those who value free speech have no need to disrupt, bully, or hide so the more people like yourself troll the more we will persist in uncovering and exposing. Its just a rational response to such overt shilling.

Right on , can’t wait to go all the way with this bitch . Now we see exactly who attacks us !

Thanks so much for all the info ! These online terrorists need to know they will be exposed for their crimes .

Wow ! Keep up the great work !

I you want to watch reliable news – you must watch Russian News. Interesting!

They can only obtain their desired outcomes as long as people buy into the psy ops and subsequent agendas of terror, division through pitting sides against one another, and ultimately more control through the police state.

I’m pretty sure that it’s not his business. Just the business he works for installing security cameras and other devices.

Lenny would not involved handling camera.

43 views is good considering the video was only posted 3 hours ago.

Tell you what, do not be surprised if Chris Hurst, said dip boyfriend of Alison Parker, is behind this. I remember HISTW said Hurst was getting YT channels deleted because he was running for Congress last year. Since he was elected, I doubt he would get directly involved and thus would use Lenny. You may want to contact HISTW on more Hurst info. 😀

thanks for the upload!